Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:

a.    Wiltshire Police – to include an update from Councillor Chris Caswill regarding the Wiltshire Police Authority

  1. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (attached)
  2. NHS Wiltshire (attached)
  3. Calne Community Area Partnership
  4. Calne CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group) – to include a youth project proposal (attached)
  5. Town and Parish Councils.




  1. Councillor Chris Caswill spoke about proposed spending cuts to Wiltshire Police Authority. £15 million of savings were needed over the next four years (the current total budget for policing in Wiltshire was £107 million). Planned savings at present include nearly £4 million savings on general expenditure and £11 million from staff savings. There were no plans to change frontline numbers, there would be 11 Inspector led areas as now and Swindon and the County divisions were to be merged to give one Force wide service delivery.


Councillor Caswill asked the meeting to take part in the consultation by completing the questionnaire cards that were available, visiting the Wiltshire Police Authority website to complete the survey there:, or calling 01380 734022 for a hard copy of the plans and questionnaire.


The written update from Wiltshire Police was circulated at the meeting (attached). The Chairman welcomed Inspector Steve Cox to the Calne Community Area and thanked Inspector Kate Pain for all her excellent work. Inspector Cox explained that detection rates appeared to fall in the report because local resolutions had been made. Progress had taken place on repeat offenders with one young male given a suspended sentence and directed to not enter a public house in Britain for a year. The reaction to the website, where a person could look up information on local crime and policing, had been largely positive. Inspector Cox demonstrated the electronic devices that had recently been issued to officers and explained what they could do to improve efficiency by allowing beat officers to spend less time on paperwork in the office.


b.    The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted.


c.    The written update from NHS Wiltshire was noted.


d.    The written update from Calne Community Area Partnership was circulated at the meeting (attached). The Chairman congratulated the new Vice Chairman of the Partnership, Emmy Butcher, on being elected to the post.


e.    Four young people from Calne Community Area Young People’s Issues Group attended the Area Board meeting to report that the CAYPIG had held a dedicated Open Space meeting to discuss ideas for activities and events if they received funding and identified a suitable project. The Chairman and Councillor Marshall thanked the young people for their excellent presentation. The Chairman drew attention to the written report submitted by CAYPIG included in the agenda pack and the background to the available funding. At the Council meeting on 23 February 2010, Councillor Scott announced that it was intended to allocate approximately £100,000 across the eighteen Area Boards to allow for additional grants by each Area Board specifically for children and young people’s projects or activities. The sum of money allocated to Calne Area Board as a result of this initiative was £4,285. 



That the Area Board commits a budget of £4,285 to a project that provides ‘things to do, places to go’ for young people from the Calne Community Area.



That the Area Board delegates to the CAYPIG, with the support of the Youth Development Coordinator, the facility to plan and implement a programme of events through the Open Space Forum, providing they are within the allocated budget of £4,285. This is subject to an update report from the CAYPIG to each Area Board meeting detailing the progress of the project and, at the end of the project, an evaluation summary providing details of any additional transport arrangements implemented or creating barriers to inclusion.       

Supporting documents: