Agenda item

Update on Warminster Leisure Centre Improvements

To receive an update on Warminster Leisure Centre Improvements from Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure, Libraries, Facilities Management, and Operational Assets, Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling.


The Area Board received an update on Warminster Leisure Centre Improvements from Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure and Libraries Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling. The update covered the following points:

·       Cllr Blair-Pilling stated that he wanted to speak during the meeting as there was a number of projects to improve leisure centres across Wiltshire.

·       It was stated that leisure is not a statutory duty to the Council.

·       The strategic objectives of leisure centres were outlined, with a push towards financial sustainability. Currently leisure is making a small profit for the Council however the largest cost is not shown within the leisure dedicated budget, which is £6million towards running the buildings. With such costs, it is therefore necessary to explain why leisure centres should not be closed.

·       Community impact, public health impact, economic impact and environmental impact were areas discussed and considered.

·       The importance of prevention within the Wiltshire Council Business Plan was emphasised, with a need to spend money early to prevent.

·       Investments by the Council were outlined including the following:

o   The Community Campus programme, recently in Pewsey in Melksham.

o   £25million towards a new leisure centre in Trowbridge.

o   £10mllion of investment towards leisure centres in Devizes, Marlborough, Royal Wootton Bassett, Chippenham, and Warminster.

o   Continual investment in equipment.

o   Maintenance issues across all leisure centres.

·       It was emphasised that Wiltshire Council was not closing leisure centres but investing.

·       The decision process was outlined, including a focus on objectives and evidence, relevant expertise and advice, dedicated teams and working groups as well as the Leisure, Culture and Communities Board.

·       JSNA data for Warminster was referenced as well as that Warminster had an older population compared to the Wiltshire average.

·       An overview of the changes at Warminster Sports Centre was provided, including:

o   Relocating and enlarging the fitness suite to make it more accessible and re-equipped.

o   Refuribishing the studio.

o   Providing a new consultation room.

o   Providing a new community space.

o   Relocating squash provision to Leighton Sports Centre, Westbury.

·       It was outlined that there was an unsatisfied need and potential for Warminster with the following data provided:

o   Currently there was 556 fitness memberships in Warminster, however this could potentially be increased to 1,000+.

o   The existing gym size was 107m2  however this could be expanded to a proposed 213m2.

o   Over the last six months Warminster squash court had been booked 24 times a month.

·       A timeline for the improvements was provided, with construction to begin summer/autumn 2024, with the new facilities available early 2025 (subject to change).


After the update, there was time for the following questions and points to be made:

·       It was unclear whether use of the swimming pool would be disrupted due to the work, however it was hoped that disruption would be minimised to all centre users.

·       Clarity was provided that the changing rooms at this moment in time would not be included within the improvements as this area was under the responsibility of Facilities Management. Concentration would be on leisure, however conversations about maintenance could take place.

·       It was questioned what would happen to the things currently being stored in the squash courts, to which it was clarified that these would be relocated to the studio and that the courts weren’t just being used as a storage space, the Council wasn’t prepared to refurbish the courts.

·       With reference to the swimming pool in Trowbridge being at the end of its life, it was clarified that the Warminster pool, had recently had its boiler changed and was in good condition.

·       It was clarified that following the improvements there would no longer be squash courts in Warminster and squash players would be encouraged to use the facilities at Leighton Leisure Centre, Westbury.

·       The Cabinet Member provided further examples of some of the decisions which the Council have had to make, including the closure of cafes and saunas.

·       Assurance was provided that the equipment placed in Warminster Leisure Centre would be modern and state of the art at the time of purchase.

·       Feedback was provided that the thermostat in the swimming pool had been out of use on 7 occasions over the last 2 months, to which members of the Leisure team clarified that the pumps had been replaced and the pool was now waiting on one part to arrive within the next week.


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling stated that those in attendance could phone or email him, but in the first instance it would be best to speak to the local leisure centre manager.