Agenda item

Area Board End of Year Report and Outside Bodies

Part I – Looking Back


To receive the Area Board End of Year Report as well as to report on progress made in addressing the Area Board priorities selected for 2023/24:

o   Improving outcomes and positive activities for Young people – Cllr Andrew Davis

o   Health and Wellbeing – No councillor appointed

o   Environment, Biodiversity, and sustainability – Cllr Tony Jackson

o   Community Safety – Cllr Pip Ridout

o   Transport and Access – Cllr Bill Parks

Part II – Looking Forward

·       To highlight potential priorities for the Area Board to consider for 2024/25.

·       To appoint Members as Lead representatives to Outside Bodies and any new Non-Priority Working Groups as set out at Appendix A;

·       To appoint a Lead representative to the LHFIG (listed on Appendix A) and to note the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix B.


Part I – Looking Back


The Area Board received a presentation from Caroline LeQuesne, Area Board Delivery Officer on the Area Board End of Year Report. The presentation included the following points:


o   Improving outcomes and positive activities for Young people – Cllr Andrew Davis

Cllr Davis updated that the Local Youth Network (LYN) had been re-established and had had its first meeting recently with partners, which had been kindly accommodated by Wiltshire Police. Gratitude was placed to the partners in the room who had supported some of the work taking place. An overview of some of the work which had taken place was provided both in the town and rural villages, including but not limited to detached youth work and pop-up events.


o   Health and Wellbeing – No councillor appointed.

Gratitude was placed towards David Reeves for his running of the Health and Wellbeing Forum, which acted as an incredible opportunity for networking. David Reeves provided an update on the success that 650 Health and Wellbeing booklets had been produced and received well. Reference was also drawn to the success of the Health and Wellbeing Fair, which David outlined that there were plans to hold another event. In addition, a digital inclusion event had successfully taken place involving 7 organisations, which showed people how to get online, be safe as well as how to recycle old devices.


o   Environment, Biodiversity, and sustainability – Cllr Tony Jackson

It was outlined that an Eco watch event had taken place, which included a film and a speech from a brave, young local resident. Reference was also drawn to grants which had been provided to such places as Grovelands and the Orchard. Cllr Jackson placed gratitude towards Caroline LeQuesne’s efforts and support.


o   Transport and Access – Cllr Bill Parks

The LHFIG had supported 10 projects, spending £35,275, including providing support for over 70 signage and access projects which aimed to combine rights of way to give continuous links around Warminster. Cllr Parks thanked Nigel Linge and the Salisbury Plain Rights of Way Volunteer Group for their hard work to open up bridleways and footpaths with it noted how beneficial the work had been.


Part II – Looking Forward


Liam Cripps, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager (SEPM) provided a summary of the Community Survey/CAJSNA Data:

o   It was outlined that the Area Board was more than just four business meetings a year, with a lot of work done by volunteers and community organisations to create an empowered community.

o   There had been 84 responses to the survey (3.1% of the population), with the demographic of respondents split across age groups.

o   The following 4 priorities were identified by respondents:


o   Almost 50% of respondents had chosen this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 health issues in order were mental health support, support for “living longer better”, support for keeping physically active, care for those living with dementia, tackling levels of obesity.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that Warminster had the 2nd highest level of adult diabetes in Wiltshire and the joint highest percentage of patients living with dementia.


o   15% of respondents chose this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 environment issues in order were addressing flooding, improving the quality of landscapes, tackling fly tipping, support for increase in biodiversity and supporting public transport services.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that there had been 134 reports of fly-tipping in Warminster and that some of the community area was in flood zone 3.

          Cost of Living:

o   11% of respondents chose this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 cost of living issues in order were support for housing/rent affordability, support for households on low incomes, support for children living in low-income families, fuel poverty and debt, support for foodbanks.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that Warminster was higher than the Wiltshire average for Children living in relative low-income families.

          Children and Young People:

o   6% of residents chose this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 children and young people issues in order were improving positive activities for young people, SEND, young people’s mental health, improving health and obesity, improving school attainment.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that Warminster was higher than the Wiltshire average of 10-11 years old classified as overweight.


After which, it was;




That Warminster Area Board decided upon the following priorities it wished to focus on in the coming year as well as the respective lead councillor representatives:


o   Improving outcomes and positive activities for young people – Cllr Andrew Davis

o   Health and Wellbeing – Cllr Pip Ridout

o   Environment, Biodiversity, and sustainability – Cllr Tony Jackson

o   Transport and Access – Cllr Bill Parks


That Warminster Area Board appointed the following Councillor Representatives to the following Outside Bodies:


o   Warminster Local Youth Network (LYN) – Cllr Andrew Davis

o   Warminster and Villages Community Area Partnership – Cllr Pip Ridout

o   Warminster and Westbury CCTV – Cllr Andrew Davis


That Warminster Area Board appointed the following Councillor Representative to the Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG):


o   Warminster Area Board LHFIG – Cllr Bill Parks and Cllr Andrew Davis


That Warminster Area Board noted the Terms of Reference for the LHFIG as set out in Appendix B, attached to the agenda.

Supporting documents: