Agenda item

Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

a.                  To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.

b.                  To receive a presentation from the WFRS on the need to recruit more retained fire fighters in the Amesbury Area



The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.




Inspector Martyn Sweett referred to the written report set out at pages 25-27 of the agenda, noting the minor changes to the team structure, from 4 April  He explained that this would not affect the deployment of officers at beat level, but was largely an administrative change, designed to streamline partnership working, with one Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) servicing each Community Area in the County.


Inspector Sweett also commented on the sad death of Nicholas Marris, paying tribute to the community spirit in Shrewton and thanking residents for their help in the search.


Overall, total crime for the Amesbury Community Area was down by 5% over the past 12 months, with on-going minor issues of graffiti and theft of lead.


Councillor Graham Wright thanked Inspector Sweett for his officers’ hard work, noting the excellent crime figures for Durrington and Larkhill.


Fire and Rescue


Mike Bagwell (Station Manager for Salisbury Fire Station, and Supervisor for Amesbury Retained Fire Station) reported that the Fire Service was seeking to recruit more retained fire fighters across the county.


In Amesbury, there were two front line fire engines (each with a crew of 5-6) plus an emergency support unit.  Although this was an unusually large resource for a retained fire station, this was due to the proximity of trunk roads through the area.  The station received around 350-400 calls per year, and would usually be staffed with a complement of 18.  It was currently operating with only 14.


It was noted that many people expressed interest in training to become a retained fire fighter, but that it could be difficult to get the employer’s support, as the staff would need to be released at short notice to respond to call-outs.  Anyone fit and active and over 18 was encouraged to apply; further details were available at the back of the room, or on the Wiltshire Fire and Rescue website:


It was noted that discussions were held with the big employers in the area (e.g. Tesco, and Wiseman Dairies) regarding the possibility of their staff being given the flexibility to apply to become retained fire fighters.


NHS Wiltshire


Councillor Mike Hewitt commented that the Primary Care Trust was not able to send a representative to every meeting due to sickness absence and staffing difficulties.  However, a written update was set out at pages 31-32 of the agenda.


Parish Councils


The Chairman commented on the government’s requirement for all Town and Parish Councils to comply with regulations for Pay As You Earn tax deduction (PAYE), National Insurance contributions and Data Protection.  A number of Parish Councils had sought advice and assistance on these matters, and the Chairman confirmed that he had written to John Glen MP and Claire Perry MP asking them to lobby the Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, for an extension to the 6 April 2011 deadline.  In addition, Wiltshire Council had been asked to issue guidance on the issue, and advice could also be sought from Wiltshire Association of Local Councils (WALC). 


The Chairman also commented that the informal meeting scheduled for 28 April would consist of presentations on the Localism Bill, Neighbourhood Planning, and the new Waste and Recycling Collection Service (to be implemented in the south of the county from March 2012).


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