Agenda item

Corsham Community Campus

To receive an update regarding Corsham Community Campus.


Lucy Murray-Brown, campus lead officer, gave a presentation regarding the development of community campuses across Wiltshire.  The Cabinet had approved the principle of five pilot campus schemes and one of these would be built in Corsham.  The following issues were covered:


         A campus is a building, or buildings, in a community area that will provide the services the local community needs in an accessible location

         Local community involvement would be critical to the success

         A campus would reduce the long term financial, environmental and operational pressures on operating aging, low quality buildings

         There was potential to co-locate with partner and voluntary organisations

         The council would explore wide ranging innovative management and operational arrangements

         The core criteria to all campus buildings included shared reception, community space, accessible IT provision, personal care facilities and catering facilities

         Phase two of the community consultation was currently taking place, up to 11 April

         The Area Board would then consider proposals in April/May 2011

         Cabinet consideration would take place in spring 2011 if the Area Board decides to put forward any recommendations

         Detailed design and planning would be carried out in spring/summer 2011

         Construction would take place from autumn 2011

         The Community Campus would be in place by summer 2012

         The Area Board was asked if it would like to consider setting up a Shadow Community Operations Board comprising of 8 members and expression of interest forms to be a member of this group were available at the meeting.

         The Area Board was asked to consider the draft terms of reference for a Shadow Community Operations Board.

The following issues were then discussed:


·         There was some concern about the level of consultation that had taken place.  CCAN confirmed that they had carried out as wide a consultation as they had been able to including the outlying areas.

·         The community would be encouraged to take part in the development of the campus and to put forward their requirements for the campus.

·         A suggestion was put forward that the method of “enquiry by design” could be used as a tool to engage the community in the design of the campus.

·         Options were open as to the exact siting of the campus as final consideration and approval would be done by the Cabinet

·         Inspector Lange from Wiltshire Police stated that the police were currently undergoing large scale reorganisation and with the development of the campus were keen to work with the council on this project.    The current police station was not fit for purpose and the campus offered an excellent opportunity to co-locate which was a positive step for neighbourhood policing.



(1)  The Area Board shall be the conduit through which consultation regarding the community campus will take place and shall act as the local decision making body on this project. 


(2)  A Shadow Community Operations Board, representative of stakeholder and community interests be established, to work with Wiltshire Council in developing a Corsham community campus.  The role of the Shadow Board will include communications, securing local engagement and influencing the design of the campus facilities to be recommended by the Area Board for implementation by Cabinet.  In line with the approval from Cabinet on 15 February 2011 the Shadow Board will also have an ongoing role in the indirect management and strategic planning of the resulting campus facilities.


(3)  The Area Board invites expressions of interest for membership of the Shadow Board (comprising no more than 8 members) to be constituted by the Area Board and which will then operate in accordance with the terms of reference agreed by Wiltshire Council.  The Board formally agrees these terms of reference subject to an amendment to reflect the wishes of the Area Board to be the conduit through which consultation regarding the community campus will take place and to act as the local decision making body on this project.


(4)  An extraordinary meeting of the Corsham Area Board shall take place to consider the outcome of the second phase of consultation and put forward a recommendation to Cabinet on the location and scope of the campus and to appoint a member to the Shadow Community Operations Board.


ACTION: Lucy Murray Brown and Marie Todd


Note: The extraordinary meeting will take place on Wednesday 27 April 2011 at 7pm at The Neston Memorial Hall.