Agenda item

Amendment to Redundancy Policy - Re-employment by Wiltshire Council

A report by the Service Director HR & OD is attached.


Consideration was given to a report by the Service Director HR & OD which proposed an amendment to the redundancy policy which was agreed in October 2010.


It was reported that the current redundant policy included a clause covering re-employment by Wiltshire Council which had caused some misunderstanding amongst staff.  It had led to the belief that employment with the Council might be possible four weeks after dismissal, this not being correct.


After some discussion,




To amend the re-employment by Wiltshire Council clause in the Redundant Policy to read as follows:- 


“Re-employment by Wiltshire Council


Voluntary Redundancy

If you were dismissed on redundancy grounds, and received a voluntary (enhanced) redundancy payment, you may be considered for re-employment to posts within Wiltshire Council after the minimum statutory period of four weeks has elapsed subject to the following conditions:

·         The post did not exist andwas not foreseeable at the time of the dismissal.

·         The vacancy has been advertised in accordance with Wiltshire Council policy and procedures.

·         The appointment was made on the basis of the best person for the job with regard to the usual selection procedures.

·         The appointment has corporate director approval 

These conditions will apply for 12 months from the date of your dismissal, after which you may be considered for re-employment to any post within Wiltshire Council.

Compulsory Redundancy

If you were dismissed on compulsory redundancy grounds these conditions will not apply and you may be considered for re-employment to any post within Wiltshire Council after the minimum statutory period of four weeks has elapsed”.



Additional FAQ’S – Re-employment by Wiltshire Council.


I have volunteered for redundancy, and my application has been accepted. I understand re-employment by Wiltshire Council will not be possible for 12 months after I leave. However I am interested in working in a school, does the policy prevent my re-employment in a school as well?


If you are dismissed on grounds of redundancy, and in receipt of a voluntary (enhanced) redundancy payment, then re-employment by Wiltshire Council after the minimum statutory period of four weeks has elapsed is restricted for 12 months from the date of your dismissal. This includes schools where the employer is Wiltshire Council, (i.e. Community and Voluntary Controlled schools), but would not apply where the council is not the employer.


The re-employment by Wiltshire Council clause in the policy refers to the restriction not applying if the post did not exist and was not foreseeable at the time of the redundancy.  What posts are included in this?


The restriction on re-employment by Wiltshire Council applies to any post that existed, or was proposed, at the time of dismissal. Posts include any permanent, temporary, interim, agency or consultancy roles in the council.

The restriction does not include re-employment into posts that are newly created after redundancy, i.e. in new service areas, or where new types of work are being carried out. Newly created posts will not include existing jobs which change as a result of service re-design.


I have left the council on grounds of redundancy and received a voluntary (enhanced) redundancy payment. I would now like to register with the council to do casual relief work, or temporary work via the Wiltshire Temporary Agency. Does the restriction on re-employment prevent this?


Yes, you will be prevented from re-employment, after the minimum statutory period of four weeks has elapsed, in any temporary roles with the council for a period of 12 months from the date of your dismissal. This includes any work available via the relief bank or the Wiltshire Temporary Agency.


Any work you do for the council during the four weeks immediately following your dismissal will require you to repay your redundancy payment.



Supporting documents: