Agenda item

Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive updates from any partners who wish to contribute:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

    ii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

   iii.        NHS Wiltshire

   iv.        Parish and Town Councils

    v.        Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

   vi.        Chippenham Vision Board

  vii.        Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)

viii.        Children’s Parliament

   ix.        Westlea Housing Association.


Updates from partners were received as follows:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

An update report from Wiltshire Police was contained within the agenda.


Sergeant Allan George reported that the Neighbourhood Policing Teams had been restructured and there were now 27 teams instead of 76. Effectively this would not result in any change for Chippenham Community Area as the team had retained the same boundaries and numbers of officers.


During the summer, one of the priorities for Wiltshire Police in the Chippenham Community Area would be parks and open spaces, particularly in relation to anti-social behaviour.


    ii.        Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

An update report from Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service was contained within the agenda. There was no further update.


   iii.        NHS Wiltshire

Update reports from the NHS for March, April and May were included with the agenda. There was no further update.


   iv.        Parish and Town Councils

Update reports from Christian Malford, Grittleton, Kington Langley and Kington St Michael Parish Councils were included within the agenda.


John Scragg of Chippenham Town Council reported on progress with the recent Streetpride audit that had been carried out in the town with a view to reducing unnecessary street clutter. A successful meeting had taken place with Wiltshire Council officers on 12 April and actions were now being progressed. A further report would be brought to a future meeting of the Area Board.


    v.        Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

An update report from ChAP was included within the agenda. Jane Clark reported that this year’s river festival would be going ahead and would be bigger than last year’s event. The health and social care programme was ongoing, with the healthy eating campaign being rolled out in all primary schools in the Chippenham Community Area.


   vi.        Chippenham Vision Board

An update report from the Chippenham Vision was included within the agenda. John Clark reported that the Vision was currently in the ‘master planning’ stage, and efforts were being made to strengthen links with the Area Board and the Town Council. The Vision was also currently considering Wiltshire Council’s plans to make Monkton Park and the Olympiad one of its main office hubs, and also how to make more efficient recreational use of the River Avon.


 vii.        Community Area Young Peoples’ Issues Group

Richard Williams, Youth Development Coordinator, reported that a youth strategy review was currently taking place and that various options for the youth service were being considered. Richard was happy to meet with anyone that would like to talk about the review in more detail.

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