Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)   Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)   Chamber of Commerce


(a)  Wiltshire Police


Sgt Allan George from the Chippenham neighbourhood policing team presented the police update report.  He reported that over the summer period Sgt Alex Bevan would be covering the Corsham area.  There had been a 17% reduction in violent crime in the area.  The area was 1st out of 15 for general crime and 3rd out of 15 for violent crime so was generally a low crime area.  The actual number of crimes had reduced by 300.  The Police were very keen to continue with partnership working and neighbourhood policing teams.  A new camera had now been positioned at the Martingate Centre.


Gill Stafford from the Police Authority reported that there would be some changes to the neighbourhood policing teams.  These would be reduced from 55 to 20 to correspond with Wiltshire’s 20 community areas.  This was an administrative change only and would not affect staffing numbers or team structures.


The recent consultation carried out by the Police Authority regarding options to reduce funding was now complete and the following issues were reported:


·         1,134 responses had been received.

·         There was wide support for PCSOs and community policing.

·         There was support for reduction in bureaucracy and retaining frontline services.

·         85% of people were happy with the 1 minute response rate for non-emergency calls.

·         People did not want to lose police stations but supported shared facilities and greater use of the telephone and internet.


Following on from the consultation the Police Authority had identified the following four priorities:


·         Reduce violent crime

·         Manage those people who cause the most harm

·         Tackle anti-social behaviour

·         Develop a sustainable policing model


(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


A report was circulated with the agenda papers.


(c)  NHS Wiltshire


A report was circulated with the agenda papers.


(d)  Town and Parish Councils


·         Colerne Parish Council – The footpath adjacent to the C151 (between Silver Street and the Recreation Ground in Colerne) had now been completed.  The Parish Council thanked the Area Board and all those who had helped this to happen.

·         Corsham Town Council – Cllr Peter Anstey had been elected Chairman of the Town Council.  Cllr Ruth Hopkinson had been elected as Vice Chairman.  Cllr Hopkinson thanked Cllr Allan Bosley for all the work he had undertaken in his role as chairman of the council.  Wiltshire Council had now served notice on the Tourist Information Centre and the lease would then revert to the Corsham Town Council.  It was hoped that the Town Council could work with the Information Centre to maintain a presence in Corsham.  The Town Council thanked the Area Board for its recent grant to provide lighting for the skatepark.


(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)


The campus consultation was now complete and the results passed to Wiltshire Council.  The CCAN website was now up and running with links to local Councils and organisations in the community area.


(f)   Chamber of Commerce


The Chamber of Commerce had recently organised a business competition and the local winner was Toy Box in Corsham which was run by Sue Witt.  The Corsham area had more entrants than any other town or city in Wiltshire. 


The Chamber was concerned about car parking charges in the area and was undertaking a survey.  The results would be reported back to the area board.


The Chamber felt that the Martingate Centre was in an inequitable position compared to other car parks.  The charging arrangement for the Newlands Road Car Park was different to others in the county.  In the Martingate Centre the tenants were responsible for some of the maintenance of the car park and this was felt to be unfair.  A request was made for the lease to be varied.


The Chairman explained that the Area Board could not become involved in regulatory or quasi-judicial matters but could facilitate a meeting between the tenants and Council officers to discuss this matter.



To facilitate a meeting between the Chamber of Commerce and officers at Wiltshire Council to discuss concerns relating to the Newlands Road Car Park



Cllr Alan Macrae

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