Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)   Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)   Chamber of Commerce


(a)          Wiltshire Police


A written report was circulated with the agenda papers.


(b)          Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


A written report was circulated with the agenda papers.


(c)          NHS Wiltshire


A written report was circulated with the agenda papers.


(d)          Box Parish Council


Box Parish Council had just elected Pauline Lyons as Chairman and David Murray as Vice Chairman.  The community plan was currently being finalised.  The Council thanked Wiltshire Council and the MoD for resolving the parking problems in Westwells Road so quickly.


(e)          Colerne Parish Council


The Parish Council was soon to produce its neighbourhood plan.  The Council would appreciate any advice or guidance on this task.


(f)           Corsham Town Council


·         The Town Council hoped to take over responsibility for play areas from Wiltshire Council.  There were plans to improve the Westwells and Coppershell Play Areas. 

·         The results of the Corsham in Bloom competition would be available on 15 September.  Litter in Springfield Park had been cleared and Wiltshire Council was thanked for carrying out repairs to the infrastructure. 

·         The Copenacre site had now been sold.

·         It was hoped that the cycle network would soon be extended.

·         It was likely that an event would be held to promote commercial activities in the town.


(g)          Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)


Two events were planned:


·         Annual General Meeting on 29 September.  Jane Scott would be attending to talk about the future of Corsham.  The venue would be confirmed.

·         A day aimed at older people.  The would be held on 20 October from 11am to 3pm at the Corsham Community Centre.  The event was aimed at the over 60’s and would provide both information and entertainment.  Different organisations would be represented giving information on health, wellbeing, sport and leisure.  There would also be a consultation regarding gaps in provision in the community area.  The event would then be followed by the Area Board meeting which would commence at 4pm.


·         Adam Walton reported on work being undertaken to provide a travel plan for the Corsham Community Campus.  The workplan and transport principles had been agreed.  The group was currently waiting for an officer from Wiltshire Council to be allocated to advise on technical issues.  It was confirmed that the travel principles had been agreed and had been sent to the relevant Council officer.  These would be brought to the next meeting of the Shadow Community Operations Board.


(h)          Chamber of Commerce


Ian Storey reported as follows:


·         The Chamber was supporting the High Street retailers.  A parking refund scheme was being introduced which encouraged people to spend a minimum amount in local shops.

·         An objection had been lodged regarding the Focus DIY application.

·         An objection had been lodged regarding the Hartham Park application to run a Saturday farmers’ market.  This was due to a clash with the monthly market held in Corsham Town Centre.

·         A formal submission had been made to the core strategy consultation and this included mention of a railway station for Corsham.

·         A meeting of the Corsham Area Marketing Initiative (CAMI) would be taking place in the near future.

Supporting documents: