Agenda item

Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive updates from any partners who wish to contribute:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

    ii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

   iii.        NHS Wiltshire

   iv.        Parish and Town Councils

    v.        Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

   vi.        Chippenham Vision Board

  vii.        Chippenham Shadow Community Operations Board

viii.        Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)

   ix.        Youth Strategy Update

    x.        Lyneham Steering Group

   xi.        Chippenham Partnership of Schools.


Updates from partners were received as follows:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

The written report from Wiltshire Police was received and noted. Inspector Martin Schorah reported some highlights, including 3 new PCSOs for Chippenham. It was also reported that the Christmas period had been relatively quiet, and there had been a significant reduction in many major crimes.


Inspector Schorah announced that the police station on Wood Lane would be closing, and the Police would be relocating to the Wiltshire Council offices at Monkton Park. The Neighbourhood Policing Teams would be related by 31 January, and the response teams and enquiry office would be relocated by the end of March. As there were no custody facilities in Chippenham, it was noted that any people arrested would continue to be taken to the divisional headquarters at Melksham.


    ii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The written report was received and noted and there was no further update.


   iii.        NHS Wiltshire

The written report was received and noted and there were no further updates.


   iv.        Parish and Town Councils

The written reports from town and parish councils were received and noted. Further updates were received as follows:


Chippenham Town Council – recent headlines from the Town Council included the new extension and all-weather pitch at Stanley Park, and also the plans to create a fishing lake. Negotiations were ongoing to create fishing lakes at Stanley Park, as well as improvements to the Town and Neeld Halls, and the Museum and Heritage Centre. The Town Council was not planning specific celebrations for the Jubilee, but there would be a performance of the Chippenham Town Band at John Coles Park. The Town Council did, however, have the means to support other local initiatives – contact the Town Council for more information.


Biddestone & Slaughterford Parish Council – The Parish Council welcomed the news that a national review was to be carried out of satellite navigation software. It was hoped that it would solve the issues of HGVs getting stuck on the narrow lanes in the parish.


    v.        Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

It was announced that the ChAP Steering Group had decided to set up a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) for delivering local projects. One of the main benefits of becoming a CLG was that it would open up funding possibilities that are restricted to registered charities.


Other major projects included plans for the River Festival 2012, the launch of the new Parish Forum, and the River Avon bank clear-up which was being carried out with the County Youth Service and volunteers. All those interested in any of the ChAP projects could contact Julia Stacey, Project Manager on 07787 164493.


It was also reported that there were some cross-boundary parish issues with regards to the B4069, but the parishes were unsure how to deal with such issues when they arose.

Action: briefing note to be sent to parish and town councils regarding the method of reporting cross-boundary issues.


   vi.        Chippenham Vision Board

The main focus of the Vision at present was the Master Planning exercise, for which a procurement process was currently underway to appoint consultants. A full bulleting of recent news was available on the Vision website at: .


It was announced that the Chairman of the Vision, John Clark, had resigned and so the Vision would be looking to appoint a replacement as soon as possible. The Chairman of the Area Board extended a thank you to John for his dedication and energy to the role.


 vii.        Chippenham Shadow Community Operations Board

Ian Bridges had been elected as the Chairman of the Chippenham Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB). At its first meeting, the SCOB had resolved to engage with potential service providers for the Campus and to promote the concept, before going out to full consultation. Ideas to promote the concept of a Campus included working with schools, developing a logo, holding competitions, getting out and about and meeting with parish and town councils. More information would be provided at future Area Board meetings.


viii.        Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)

The Youth Service was entering a difficult phase with changes afoot, but it was ‘business as usual’ as much as possible. The Arts and Media Suite was continuing to be promoted, and the Youth Engagement Team was working on targeting the core of youth unemployment. The pilot of Youth Advisory Groups was welcomed.


   ix.        Chippenham Partnership of Schools

The written report was received and noted. The Chippenham Partnership of Schools included 21 schools meeting regularly and working together for the ‘Chippenham Child’. Current headlines included MOD funding received to provide support for military families, the Environment Project which was hoped to culminate into a Farmer’s Market and a series of internships bring organised to develop staff expertise.


It was also mentioned that the Children’s Parliament Day had been successful at setting priorities, and confirmed that the Youth Strategy was on the right path.

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