Agenda item

Carbon Management Plan

The Committee at its previous meeting held in March 2011 received an update on the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme. During the subsequent debate members invited the Head of the Energy Change and Opportunity (formerly Climate Change) Team to return to the next meeting of the Committee to present the latest version of the Council’s Carbon Management Plan, which is the principal means of reducing the Council’s Carbon Reduction Commitment liabilities.


A report setting out the Council’s Carbon Management Plan 2010-2014, as the first of four action plans under the Council’s recently adopted Energy, Change and Opportunity (ECO) Strategy is now attached for consideration.


The Committee at its previous meeting considered a report on the Council’s carbon reduction commitment and resolved to receive an update on the Carbon Management Plan which would outline the Council’s vision for achieving a ‘low carbon’ future.


Cllr Toby Sturgis - Cabinet member, Ariane Crampton – Head of Climate Change and Catherine Dixon – Senior Climate Change Officer were in attendance to present the update and answer questions arising.


Ensuing discussion included the extent to which contractors were signed up to the reduction of carbon emissions.  Clarity was provided that new contracts, at tendering stage, would include specifications to address carbon emissions.  The Defra framework was being used and was being embedded in the procurement process.  Details would be provided to the Chairman and Vice Chairman by the Head of Climate Change following the meeting.


It was also noted that carbon emissions from schools, including academies, were not controllable by the Council.  It was hoped that the league tables published would include a separate category to highlight those schools that were doing well in reducing carbon emissions and that this would, in turn, provide encouragement for other schools.


The Committee also noted that in relation to waste management there were currently two separate landfill sites operating within close proximity to each other in Compton Bassett near Calne.  Although acknowledgement was given that these were private companies discussion took place as to whether there was a potential for the Council to promote collaborative working between the two parties to reduce carbon emissions.


The issue of ‘green champions’ within the workplace was further explored with confirmation provided that publicity to encourage the Council to lead by example had been circulated.


Further clarity was again provided in relation to the Tradable Allowance Scheme discussed at a previous meeting of the Committee.  Members were reminded that a new levy had been implemented by the coalition government to replace the Tradable Allowance Scheme.


The Council remained committed to its plans to reduce emissions by 20% by 2013 and 50% by 2020.  Although the criteria set by central government currently excluded transport sustainability remained a high priority within the Core Strategy.


A large proportion of the expected reductions would arise through efficient use of Council buildings all of which would be addressed through the Campus and Operational Development Programme.


In relation to aspirations set by the Council, the Cabinet Member confirmed that sign up to the declaration of carbon reduction had only commenced following Unitary in 2009. With this in mind the Council was progressing well.


Members felt the Plan should also include milestones and adequate risk rating.


The Head of Climate Change confirmed that the comments provided would be taken on board and clarified that an electronic document was published on-line which members could assess to monitor progress.  Based on information available the Council was progressing well in achieving a 50% reduction by 2020.  The energy management system was not currently included within the document as well as other areas yet to be quantified would also contribute towards the Councils ability to reach the desired target.


Members also questioned how the aspirations of the Council would feed into planning decisions.  Clarification was provided that the Carbon Management Plan would also appear within Wiltshire Council’s Core Strategy although it was noted that the outcome of the Localism Bill was likely to allow more flexibility at a local planning level which could potentially impact on the aspirations of the Council.


The Carbon Management Plan was the first of four Action Plans under the Council’s Energy, Change and Opportunity (ECO) Strategy adopted in January 2011.  These were:


·         Carbon Management Plan

·         Climate Change Adaptation Plan

·         Low Carbon Transition Plan

·         Renewable Energy Plan


The Climate Change Adaptation Plan was currently in draft form but was expected to be published in July 2011.  The Low Carbon Transition Plan and Renewable Energy Plan were being worked on over the summer of 2011 with an aim to finalise the Renewable Energy Plan next year.  These would be brought to the Committee for consideration and comment once at draft stage and would be fed into the Core Strategy and Local Development Framework as per the Carbon Management Plan.


As central government funding was available to encourage more solar energy use, the Housing Board would be encouraged to consider ways in which this could be accessed.  A guidance document on energy efficiency funding was accessible to schools and consideration had been given to which properties within the Council’s housing stock could be viable for solar energy.


The ECO Board was expected to meet again in September 2011.  A carbon monitoring report would be submitted to the Carbon Management Team in August prior to consideration by the ECO Board.  A copy of the report would be circulated to the Committee once available.




1)        To recommend that the Carbon Management Plan includes suitable milestones and adequate risk rating;


2)        That the quarterly monitoring report for the Carbon Management Plan to be circulated to the Committee; and


3)        That the three other action plans sitting under the ECO Strategy to be scrutinised.

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