Agenda item

Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To receive an update from any partners who wish to contribute:


a.    Parishes

b.    Wiltshire Police

c.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

d.    NHS Wiltshire

e.    Community Area Young People’s Issues Group

f.      Chippenham Area Partnership

g.    Chippenham Vision.


Sue Webb - Kington Langley Parish Council

Thanked the Area Board for the grant of £2,500 which had been spent on the Church Bend footpath.  Work included new gates and access over Wessex Water owned land as well as legal fees.  £5,080 was spent in total on this project that had been well used by local residents.  An official opening was planned in the spring.


Christian Malford Parish Council

Wessex Water had completed work on a sewerage pumping station and had now started work on a second pumping station.  The parish council said they were unhappy with the support given to them by Wiltshire Council on this issue.


B4069 – The village was still experiencing issues with waste lorries using this road, the Parish Council would like an update on this matter.



Councillor Howard Greenman to investigate issue and respond to Christian Malford Parish Council.


Jane Clark - Seagry Parish Council

Seagry Parish Council planned to borrow £100,000 from the public work fund to finance a new village hall.  The village had also expressed an interest in managing their allotments and asked for an update on the proposed allotment review under the community asset transfer scheme.



The Community Area Manager to investigate the scheme and respond to Seagry Parish Council.


Lesley Palmer - Grittleton Parish Council

The ‘rural access to play’ project work had been delayed until the end of February 2010.


Damaged pavements that were first reported in 2005 were still an issue and it appeared that repairs to rural pavements were a low priority for Wiltshire Council.  The parish council requested that the Area Board support their application for repairs.



The Community Area Manager to investigate the issue.


Alison Butler - Biddestone & Slaughterford Parish Council

The parish council advised that Slaughterford would have issues going into the digital switchover.


Litter problems with Chinese wish lanterns were reported with wires from downed lanterns becoming a health hazard for farm stock and wildlife.


Adrian Bishop - Castle Combe Parish Council

Night time gatherings of young people in cars were creating a disturbance and damaging residents’ cars at Castle Combe car park.


Sherry Meadows - Stanton-St-Quintin Parish Council

The burger bar had returned to the lay-by near the M4 junction, causing traffic and refuse issues.


Cllr Jane Scott advised that a licensing review of such mobile catering establishments was ongoing county wide and that she would discuss the issue with the Community Area Manager.



Councillor Jane Scott to advise the Community Area Manager.


Wiltshire Police 

Inspector Kate Pain updated the meeting on current policing activities in the Chippenham community area.


Night Time Economy:

The Inspector highlighted the good work carried out by local police supported by Wiltshire Council licensing officers in tackling problems connected with drinking establishments; police and licensing officers would now be targeting late night takeaways.


Hardenhuish Lane - parking issues:

Joint working between police and Wiltshire Council led by PC Rachel Webb now means that significant funding was in place to implement traffic calming measures.


Wood Lane - damage to vehicles:

Good joint working between Neighbourhood Police Team and Councillor Bill Douglas had had a positive impact in dealing with the problem.


The written update from Chippenham Police distributed with the agenda was noted.


Bath Road Car Park:

This item was moved up the agenda to allow Councillor Caswill to leave the meeting early.


Mark Rippon, Community Safety Officer (North), presented a report that updated the Area Board on the actions agreed at the meeting held on 14 September 2009, and presented the findings of the Task and Finish Group.




  • Officers to consider purchasing a mobile CCTV camera system to monitor the car park and gather evidence.


  • The Anti Social Behaviour Reduction Officer and Wiltshire Police to continue to follow patterns of disturbances and, if a pattern was be established, action to be taken under section 59 against the individuals concerned.


Points made included:


  • The report did not investigate all the engineering options available.


  • Wiltshire Council had a duty of care to the residents who live in and around the Bath Road car park.


  • Wiltshire Council had a duty to consider evidence when prioritising the use of public funds and resources.


  • Local residents wanted to be able to put their views across as part of the working group, be assured that their health was being considered and that there would be a ‘can do’ approach to address the issue.


  • The first working group meeting, to which the residents were invited, was held on 19 January 2010.


  • The petition from local residents demonstrated that they felt they had not been listened to.


  • The Area Board Chairman reminded Councillors that they should consider the extent of the Area Boards delegated authority when making a resolution.


  • Service Director Parvis Khansari advised that resolutions supported by Area Board Councillors which required input from a front line service must be referred to the relevant Cabinet Member (Councillor Dick Tonge) to establish that funding and resources could be diverted to undertake the task.




  • The Crime Reduction Team to purchase a mobile CCTV camera to monitor the car park and gather evidence.


  • The Anti-Social Behaviour Reduction Officer and Wiltshire Police to continue to monitor disturbances and, if a pattern was established, action to be taken under section 59.


  • That the Chippenham Area Board did not accept the other findings and recommendations in the Bath Road Car Park report because Area Board members challenged the budget estimates in Appendix One.


  • The Service Director to research further engineering options available.


  • The Community Safety Officer to present a report to the next Chippenham Area Board meeting on 1 March 2010 with an update of progress.


  • That a definitive response to this issue was agreed by the Chippenham Area Board meeting on 10 May 2010.


  • The Community Safety Officer and Anti Social Behaviour Reduction Officer to set up a residents’ working group to feed into the process.


  • Clarity was requested regarding resolutions that required approval from Cabinet Members.



Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.


NHS Wiltshire

The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.


Chippenham Community Area Young People’s Issues Group

The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.


BMX/Dirt Jumps project was awaiting planning permission.  Providing this was granted, construction would begin at the beginning of May 2010.


Chippenham Area Partnership

The Chairman, Jane Clark, updated the meeting regarding the recent appointment of the part time post of project team organiser that would be beneficial to the Partnership.


The Partnership continued to work alongside Wiltshire Council and the Chippenham Vision Board, and continued to update the community area plan.


Chippenham Vision Board

The Chairman, John Clark, provided an update.  Points made included:


  • The Riverside - looking to introduce a ‘café culture’ with punting on the river


  • High Street improvements, including better traffic barriers


  • Attracting better quality retailers into Chippenham


  • The Vision Board was hampered by a lack of resources.


The Chairman thanked all partners for their respective updates.

Supporting documents: