Agenda item

Your Local Issues

Councillors will provide an update on community issues and progress on Area Board working groups. This will include:

a.    Skate board park working group

b.    Cycle network working group

c.    Highways working group (attached) – please note, copies of the appendices to this report are available to view online and limited copies will be available at the meeting

d.    Turn off the lights update

e.    Calne campus working group

f.     Section 106 working group. 


Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups.


a. Councillor Marshall explained the skate board park working group now had a design for the park they wanted at an estimated cost of £140,000. The Town Council, the Community Area Young People’s Issues Group and interested parties were meeting in two weeks to discuss the significant shortfall in funding and potential fundraising opportunities. Young people were actively involved and were working on ideas to raise money. 


b. Councillor Berry provided an update about the cycle network working group. Concern was expressed by a representative from Calne Area Transport about progress of the working group and also its potential relevance with respect to developing a strategic transport plan for Calne.



Calne Area Transport would submit to the Area Board in time for the 18 October 2011 meeting, a ten point proposal of transport priorities in the Community Area, agreed by Calne Town Council.


c. Councillor Crisp set out that much work had been undertaken by the highways working group. The Area Board were asked to consider recommendations from the working group and the decisions below were made:



The Area Board would allocate £11,368.23 from the 2011/12 Community Area Transport Group funding allocation towards implementing safer pedestrian crossing arrangements at Hilmarton, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.



The Area Board would allocate £5,000 from the 2010/11 Calne Area Board budget carried over to address projects linked to community priorities towards the implementation of a pedestrian refuge and associated works at Hilmarton, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.



The Community Area Manager would make a submission to the substantive highways budget for the balance of funding required to implement a safer pedestrian crossing at Hilmarton.



The working group would maintain the issue of safer pedestrian crossing arrangements at Goatacre on their list of priorities for action while further funding was identified and note that the feasibility study produced was considered to meet the requirements of the issue and the local community.



The working group would maintain the issue of safer pedestrian crossing arrangements at Lakeview on their list of priorities for action. The Area Board would note that the working group considered while the feasibility study produced provided a satisfactory technical scheme, it did not adequately meet the requirements of local people and therefore required further investigation.



Councillor Hill would co-ordinate a forum to look further at the issue of safer pedestrian crossing arrangements at Lakeview.


Please submit your name to the Community Area Manager, Jane Vaughan, on 01247 721447 or if you would like to become involved in the forum.  



The Area Board would note the cost of a lighting scheme at Derry Hill/Studley Crossroads.



The Area Board would note that a signage scheme to help address congestion issues at Curzon Street had been implemented and its impact would be assessed and reported back to the Area Board by the working group. 


Concern was expressed about the reliability of the  traffic movement information provided relating to the planning application by Hills Waste to expand facilities at the Portemarsh Industrial Estate. Neither Councillor Crisp nor Councillor Trotman took part in this discussion because of their involvement in the Strategic Planning Committee, nor did they vote on the decision.



Calne Area Board would not support the planning application from Hills Waste for a Waste Transfer Facility at Porte Marsh or the enlargement of the recycling facility at Lower Compton until an independent analysis had been carried out regarding the possible increase in HGV movements around Calne and the impact on the community of such developments.


d. Councillor Crisp gave a turn off the lights update. She explained this would no longer be a standing agenda item because the main schemes had been completed. In response to a question raised at the previous Area Board meeting, there were no signs for the part night lighting scheme in Cherhill unlike in certain areas, as the areas with signs were those put forward by the highways department, rather than the local community. Please contact the Community Area Manager if you would like to have signage put in place for the scheme.


e. Councillor Hill gave an update about the Calne campus working group. Frequent meetings had taken place and consultation on the campus was ongoing and would run until 12 September.


Concern arose about communication about the consultation and the make up of the working group. Councillor Hill  explained the working group had been formed at short notice after the town had initially been declined for a campus scheme. Once the town was accepted, the working group was formed with as many dual-hatted members as possible in order to maximise input from the community. Councillor Hill encouraged people to complete a survey online by putting the term ‘Calne campus survey’ into the Google search engine. An article about the consultation had been in a local newspaper and a mail shot had been completed.


A draft report would be produced for a special ABC meeting to be held on 21 December and the final report would be presented at a special Area Board meeting to be held on 24 January 2012. If the report was accepted it would be presented on behalf of the Area Board to Cabinet.    


f. Councillor Trotman, as local member, would be the Area Board representative for a working group to look into section 106 monies. The working group would aim to meet by the end of September and Councillor Trotman would provide an update at each Area Board meeting.



A section 106 working group would be set up to be led by Councillor Trotman. Representatives from the following groups would be invited to take part: those who had already put their names forward for houses on the new Redrow development, Calne Area Transport, Calne Town Council (to be invited through the Town Clerk) and Calne Marsh Group.  

Supporting documents: