Agenda item


Former gasholder site, land adjacent The Wharf, Devizes - Redevelopment for 39 retirement apartments for older people including communal facilities, car parking and associated landscaping.


Former gasholder site, land adjacent to The Wharf, Devizes – Redevelopment for 39 retirement apartments for older people including communal facilities, car parking and associated landscaping.


The following people spoke in objection to the proposal:


Mr Tony Sedgwick, transport advisor to the Trust for Devizes

Mr Ted East, on behalf of the Trust for Devizes

Mr Rick Rowland, a local resident

Mr Gary Tomsett, Wiltshire Council Environmental Control and Protection Team Manager (South and East)

Mr John Kirkman, Chair of CPRE Kennet District Group

Mr Kelvin Nash, of Devizes Town Council


The following people spoke in support of the proposal:


Mr Matthew Shellum, the agent


The Committee received a presentation from the Development Control Team Leader which set out the main issues in respect of the application. He introduced the report, which recommended refusal.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions, after which the Committee received statements from members of the public detailed above, expressing their views regarding this planning application.


After lengthy discussion regarding:


·         The principle of residential development;

·         Density considerations;

·         Design and impact upon the conservation area and setting of the Kennet & Avon Canal;

·         Recreation provision;

·         Affordable housing;

·         Contaminated land;

·         Ecology;

·         Archaeology;

·         Adequacy of car parking;

·         Highways (including access, servicing, footpath link, and cycle and mobility scooter parking);

·         Impact upon residential amenity;

·         Renewable energy; and

·         Relationship to draft Planning Brief for Devizes Wharf,


And upon hearing the views of the local Member, Cllr Nigel Carter, and those of the Member for the adjacent division, Cllr Jeff Ody, it was,




To refuse planning permission for the following reason:


1.      The design of the scheme and its proximity / relationship to the Crown public house and the adjacent brewery’s barrel handling yard is likely to result in noise nuisance for future occupants of the development. This would conflict with policy PD1 (B.10) of the Kennet Local Plan 2011 and government policy contained in PPG24: ‘Planning and Noise’.


The conflict between land uses may result in the Council having to take enforcement action for statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990; such action would threaten the future viability of Wadworths brewery and its role as an important local employer and generator of local economic wealth. This would be contrary to the Government’s overarching objective for sustainable economic growth as set out in PPS4 ‘Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth’


2.      The proposed development, by virtue of its design, scale, bulk, height and massing, would fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area and would harm the setting of the Kennet & Avon Canal.  The development fails to make a positive contribution to the character and local distinctiveness of the historic environment, contrary to policy HE7 of PPS5, and fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of the area contrary to PPS1.  The proposal is therefore contrary to policy PD1 of the Kennet Local Plan 2011 and Supplementary Planning Guidance contained in the Devizes Conservation Area Statement and Devizes Town Centre Design Code.

Supporting documents: