Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)  Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)   Chamber of Commerce

(g)  Shadow Corsham Community Operations Board (SCOB)


(a)  Wiltshire Police


Inspector Martin Schorah reported that PC Heather Barham the Chippenham Rural Officer, would be retiring on 31 December.  PC Emma Higgins would be Heather’s replacement.  Two new PCSOs would also be transferring to the area at the beginning of January.  There had been very little trouble over Halloween and Bonfire Night and the strategies put in place to prevent anti social behaviour over this period had worked well.


The parking situation at St Patrick’s School, Corsham was still being monitored and work was ongoing with the school, council and partners to find a solution.


Inspector Schorah also reminded people to be careful of their belongings when out shopping in busy places and also to ensure that Christmas shopping was not left on view either in cars or in the home.


(b)  Fire and Rescue Service


Mike Franklin reported that there had been four fires in the area during September and October.  Most of the fires in the home had started in the kitchen area.  It was important to ensure that chimneys were cleaned on a regular basis.


(c)  Colerne Parish Council


The planning application had been submitted for the conversion of the three disused aircraft hangers in Colerne.  Funding had now been secured for the CCTV system.  The village Christmas lights would be switched on on Tuesday 6 December at 1600 hrs.


(d)  Corsham Town Council


The Town Council had now chosen its four corporate priorities which were as follows:


·         Asset Management

·         Cycle Network

·         Springfield Leisure Centre and Community Campus

·         Tourist Information Centre


The Town Council was happy to support any proposed Diamond Jubilee events next year.  The Christmas lights would be switched on tomorrow evening.


(e)  Box Parish Council


The Parish Council had just completed the community plan survey which needed to be analysed and used to produce a new plan.  The Parish was looking forward to the Diamond Jubilee celebrations next year.  Wiltshire Council was thanked for the road improvements which were currently being carried out in the Parish.


(f)   Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)


The older persons’ day held on 20 October 2011 had also provided an opportunity to undertake a consultation exercise.  A report of the consultation outcome had been produced and a copy had been given to the Community Operations Board.


The main focus of work for CCAN was currently the Community Operations Board and preparation for the major event in February regarding the community plan.


(g)  Community Operations Board (COB)


Allan Bosley, Chairman of the Operations Board, congratulated the members of the Operations Board on the amount of effort and hard work they had put in. 


The COB had some concerns about transport and congestion in the vicinity of the campus.  There were likely to be a number of coaches in the area at certain times which could lead to problems.  The members wondered whether Section 106 funding could be used to divert traffic from Pickwick Road past the leisure centre to Springfield Road.  It was important for the different organisations such as the COB, Wiltshire Council and Transcoco to engage with local people and to work together to find a solution.



To refer this issue to the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) for consideration.

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