Agenda item

Site for the Proposed Corsham Community Campus

To receive an update from the Shadow Corsham Community Campus Operations Board and to consider a recommendation regarding the site for the proposed campus.


The Chairman welcomed the work undertaken by the Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB).  He felt that the group were representing the community well and praised their enthusiasm and commitment.


The Chairman of the SCOB, Allan Bosley then presented an update of the work undertaken since the last meeting along with a proposal for a preferred site option.  Plans detailing each option considered had been made available for the Area Board to view immediately prior to the meeting.  Mr Bosley covered the following points:


·         The SCOB operated under guidelines set by Wiltshire Council.

·         The SCOB recognised that there were likely to be conflicting views.

·         The “givens” were the disposal of the Mansion House and The Library and that the youth service would be located in the campus building.

·         Consultations had taken place regarding the campus project and there was support for the principle of a campus.

·         All views had been taken into account and the SCOB was aware of the petition from a group of community centre members.

·         The ambition of the SCOB was that they “want the campus to be fantastic”.

·         The architect had brought forward a number of ideas and some of these had been reworked at the request of the SCOB.

·         It was important to secure continuity of service for the leisure centre and community centre.


The following issues were then discussed:


·         It is important that enough car parking spaces are provided for the campus to ensure sufficient spaces are available for both staff and visitors.  The parking should also be free. 

A working group had been set up to consider travel arrangements in the area and would consider all comments regarding travel and parking.

·         It would be helpful to have an idea of the size of the present facilities in relation to the proposed campus building. 

·         It was suggested that the final design could form part of a competition.

·         Details of the actual design were not yet available and no architects had yet been formally appointed.  The plans available at the meeting were simply to provide a feasibility study.

·         At this stage the cost of the project was confidential.  The capital cost would come forward as a business case to Cabinet in October.

·         It was confirmed that staff at the Doctors’ Surgery near the Springfield Centre had been involved in discussions regarding car parking.

·         The SCOB was aware that the site provided long stay coach parking and this would be taken into account.

·         A shuttle service was suggested and it was confirmed that all ideas would be taken into account.


There was concern by some Councillors that they had not had the opportunity to view the plans in advance of the meeting.  This was an important development for Corsham and they wished to make their recommendation after considering all the relevant information. 


The Chairman moved that Option 3B be the preferred option put forward to Cabinet.  However Cllrs Davis and Parker felt that although they supported the campus project in principle they did not have sufficient information before them to make a recommendation to Cabinet at this stage.



To hold an extraordinary Corsham Area Board meeting to consider the SCOB recommendations for the campus site.


ACTION: Marie Todd


Note: The Extraordinary meeting will take place on Monday 5 September 2011 at 7pm at The Corsham School.



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