Agenda item

Area Board projects

To consider requests for funding in relation to the following proposed Area Board projects:


  • Marketing Campaign to promote Salisbury, and use of Park and Ride to people living outside Wiltshire.
  • Footpath - Bemerton St John Primary School
  • The Unit



Marketing Campaign for Park and Ride to people living outside Wiltshire


The Chairman, who had proposed this project, introduced the item, explaining that the suggestion was to promote Salisbury as a destination to people living in Hampshire and Dorset, and to emphasised that over-60s could use the Park and Ride service for free.  This was to help increase footfall in the city, following recent publicity over high car-parking charges, which had led to anecdotal evidence of a drop in trade.


The Chairman added that, if approved, the marketing information would be circulated to Area Board members for approval prior to publication.


Councillor Paul Sample declared a prejudicial interest in this item, as his company had previously discussed undertaking some marketing work for Park and Ride.



The Salisbury Area Board agreed to provide £5,000 of funding towards a marketing campaign to advertise the Salisbury Park and Ride service to people living outside of Wiltshire.

Reasons – As above, to help maximise the use of Park and Ride and to bring new visitors to Salisbury from outside the area.


Improvement of Footpath – Bemerton St John Primary School


Councillor Chris Cochrane, who had proposed this project, explained that walking busses had long been used to escort children along Church Lane to the school.  However, it had been considered that the road was too dangerous for large groups of children, and so parents were obliged to escort Children on foot or take them by car, contributing to traffic congestion on the Lower Road.


This project sought to facilitate the use of a path through the St John’s churchyard, by providing a lockable gate, and reinforcing the path to allow use by two pupils who use wheelchairs.


The funding was for materials alone; the work would be undertaken by volunteers.



The Salisbury Area Board agreed to provide £1,750 of funding to the Bemerton St John PTA towards materials to reinforce the existing path through a gate in the fence, to allow use by children travelling to the primary school.  The funding is subject to approval of the project by the Diocesan Board, subsequent planning permission, and to the school PTA agreeing to manage the project.

Reasons – To allow safe access for children travelling to the Primary School, and to support this volunteer-run project.


ACTION: Marianna Dodd

Supporting documents: