Agenda item

Current Consultations

To note the attached information on the following current consultations:






Schools admission consultation

28 February 2012

We are giving parents in Wiltshire the chance to have their say on how school admissions in the county will operate in the future.

The proposed schemes for the co-ordination of admissions to primary, infant, junior and secondary schools in Wiltshire are available on request from the school admissions team at County Hall, Trowbridge on 01225 713010 or

Business perception survey

31 March 2012

Understanding the needs of businesses and the issues that affect the local business community are critical if we are to achieve our aims.  We are therefore conducting a survey of local businesses aimed at identifying issues currently faced by businesses across the county. The study will inform future planning policies and economic development actions in order to better respond to business needs and inform the Wiltshire business community about our services.

If you have any questions, please contact Ana Batista, Principal Economic Development Office, on 01225 718669 or e-mail:

Local HealthWatch

29 February 2012

As part of the Health and Social Care Bill, a new consumer champion for users of health and social care services will be created. This will be known as HealthWatch. HealthWatch will exist locally as Local HealthWatch. Nationally, there will be an organisation called HealthWatch England, which looks at services across England.

Wiltshire Council has a responsibility to ensure that Wiltshire has its own Local HealthWatch which, subject to the passage of the Health and Social care Bill, will be launched in October 2012.

To have your say on how HealthWatch can work best for you, please complete this questionnaire.

Wiltshire Council will be holding a number of stakeholder events to further develop ideas around Local HealthWatch. There are limited places on the workshops, so if you want to come, please contact Dot Kronda on 01225 718306 or e-mail or Julie Martin on 01225 858816 or e-mail with your name, contact details and any access requirements to book a place.

School term and holiday dates 2013/14

10 February 2012

We would like to receive your views on the term dates calendar being proposed for Wiltshire’s Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2013/14. The deadline for responses is Friday 10 February 2012.

The results of this consultation will be collated and presented to the Joint Consultative Committee prior to the final recommended model being determined by the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services. All comments received will be taken into consideration during the final decision making process.

Your views can be emailed to

What Matters to you Survey


Wiltshire Council and its partners are committed to developing and delivering services that reflect the differing needs of local communities. In order to do this effectively, we need to understand what really matters to residents living in Wiltshire.

Your views about your area really do count, and Wiltshire Council would like to invite you to comment on a range of topics that affect life where you live, including:

  • how and what we spend money on in your area
  • what we can do to improve life where you live
  • how we can improve safety in your area
  • your views on other public services

the natural environment where you live

Housing needs survey


Wiltshire Council is working with parish councils to identify the housing needs of local people and would be grateful for your help.

Households in parishes are being asked to take part in a survey that will give up-to-date information about local housing circumstances and aspirations.

Telephone: 01249 706614

Consultations on Traffic Regulation Orders


Wiltshire Council actively seeks the views of its residents in the decision making process for Traffic Regulation Orders within the county.

As part of this process, Wiltshire Council undertakes consultation on its proposals for Traffic Regulation Orders in the county with the publication of the proposals for response.



The Board noted the information on current consultations, as detailed in the agenda, the Chairman drew attention to the link to the consultation portal, where further information could be obtained.


Phil Matthews, Chairman of the Wiltshire Involvement Network informed the Board that there would be a Local Health Watch workshop in February, the date would be made available once it had been confirmed.