Agenda item

S-2011-1057- Landford Manor, Stock Lane, Landford, Salisbury. SP5 2EW


Public participation:

Mrs Carol Hewson spoke in objection to the application

Mrs Christine Hewson spoke in support of the application

Mr Richard Hewson spoke in support of the application

Mr Tony Reynolds, on behalf of Landford Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application


The Planning Officer introduced the report and drew attention to paragraph 9.1 of the report which detailed the differences between the current scheme and the previous application.  A debate ensued during which issues such as fire safety, noise from the premises and the business that occupied the top floor.




That Planning Permission be GRANTED for the following reasons:


The proposed development conditioned so as to be for only a temporary period for the current occupier (Innovative Consultancy UK Ltd) accords with the provisions of the Development Plan, and in particular Policies G2 (General Criteria for Development), E17 (Employment) and CN4 and CN5 (Listed buildings) of the saved policies of the adopted local plan, and PPS4 insofar as the proposed development is considered compatible in terms of its scale and impact upon the listed grade II* Landford Manor, and would not adversely affect the amenities of neighbours.


Subject to the following conditions:


1 This decision relates to documents/plans listed below. No variation from the approved documents should be made without the prior approval of this Council. Amendments may require the submission of a further application.


Supporting statement by Barclay and Phillips received on 27 July 2011

Drawing 1543-01 received on 18 July 2011.

Drawing 1543-02 received on 18 July 2011.

Drawing 1543-03 received on 18 July 2011.

Drawing 1543-04 received on 18 July2011.


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt.


2. When the use of the 2nd floor of Unit 1 Landford Manor as offices by Innovative Consultancy UK Ltd., hereby approved, ceases  or within 1 year of the date of this consent, whichever shall first occur, the business use by  Innovative Consultancy UK Ltd. shall cease and all materials and equipment brought on to the premises in connection with the use shall be removed and the accommodation restored to its former condition as an integral part of the domestic accommodation of Unit 1 Landford Manor.


REASON: The premises are unsuitable for permanent use as offices and permission is therefore only given on the basis that it allows this business a generous period to seek and relocate to alternative premises.


POLICY: E17 (Employment)



3  The offices use hereby permitted shall only take place between the hours of 08:00 and 19:00 from Mondays to Fridays and the use shall not take place at any time on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank or Public Holidays.


REASON: To ensure the creation/retention of an environment free from intrusive levels of noise and activity in the interests of the amenities of the neighbours.


POLICY: G2 General Criteria for development.



4. Within two months of the date of this planning permission a drawing shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval in writing indicating an area to be used within the site for the parking of vehicles by staff and visitors in connection with the offices use. The drawing shall include details of the intended method of setting out this area on the ground to make clear its intended use.  Within one month of approval of this drawing by the local planning authority use of the agreed area for parking of vehicles by staff and visitors shall commence and the setting out shall be completed.  Thereafter the parking of vehicles by staff and visitors in connection with the offices use shall only take place within the agreed area and there shall be no parking of vehicles by staff and visitors in connection with the offices use on any other part of the site. Furthermore, there shall be no works carried out to staff and visitors’ vehicles (including repairs and valeting) parked within the agreed area outside the hours of 0800hrs and 17.00hrs.


REASON:  To control the numbers and locations of staff and visitor vehicles connected with the offices use in the interests of amenity.


POLICY: G2 General criteria for development.



5. The use by ICUK Ltd., hereby permitted shall cease and all equipment and materials brought onto the land for the purposes of such use shall be removed within six months of the date of failure to meet the following requirement:-

Within two months of the date of this planning permission a Fire Strategy Plan setting out fire warning/prevention measures and a means of escape strategy shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval in writing. The measures and means of escape strategy shall be entirely implemented within four months of the date of approval of the Fire Strategy Plan by the local planning authority and thereafter retained whilst ICUK Ltd., occupy the 2nd floor of Unit1 Landford Manor.

REASON:  To ensure adequate fire warning/prevention measures and means of escape strategy which have regard to the site’s designation as a grade II* listed building.


POLICY:  G2 General criteria for development



This permission only grants approval for a change of use. It does not authorise any works to the fabric of the listed building. The works to the building which will be required to provide the ½ hour fire resistance required by the Fire Officer may require Listed Building consent.  Due to the importance of the fabric of the building, such consent may not be forth coming.


Supporting documents: