Agenda item

Community Area Grants Scheme

Councillors will be asked to consider the Community Area Grants Report and make recommendations on the applications received.


Consideration was given to the seven funding applications made to the Community Area Grants Scheme.



Malmesbury River Valleys Trust were awarded £875 to purchase an exhibition banner, notice board and restore a flower meadow.   


Peterborough Arms Cricket Club were awarded £525 towards the purchase of a wicket mower, conditional on the balance of funding being in place.


Ashton Keynes Youth Football Club were awarded £1,600towards the purchase and installation of a storage shed, conditional on the balance of funding being in place.


Minety Lawn Tennis Club were awarded £1,183 towards the cost of coaching local primary aged children, conditional on the balance of funding being in place and a guarantee that the applicant and local schools work with the Sports Development Manager to ensure ongoing support and sustainability of this project. The decision not to fully fund this application was set out in 8.5.6 of the Community Area Grants Report.


Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership were awarded an ‘in principle’ sum of £1,734, towards the cost of installing aerials to improve monitoring of the CCTV cameras in Malmesbury, conditional on Malmesbury Town Council taking on full responsibility of operating CCTV in the town. Councillor Doody reported that Malmesbury Town Council would take ownership of CCTV as it stood.


Charlton Recreation Centrewere awarded £1,500 towards the purchase of a replacement gang mower, conditional on the balance of the funding being in place.



The above applications met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10.


Friends of Athelstan Museum were not awarded funding towards a community reach out programme, due to concerns over the structure of the bid. Councillor Killane would work with the museum, which was advised to bring a revised application back to the Area Board meeting on 12 May 2010. 







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