Agenda item

Notice of Motion No. 22 - South Wiltshire Core Strategy - Old Sarum Airfield Core Policy 9 (1)

Submitted by Cllrs Ian McLennan (Laverstock, Ford & Old Sarum Division) and Ricky Rogers (Salisbury Bemerton).


Details of the motion are attached.


Public Participation


Mr Ron Champion, Chairman of Laverstock and Ford Parish Council addressed Council on this motion voicing his support for it. 



The Chairman reported receipt of the following notice of motion from Cllrs Ian McLennan and Ricky Rogers:


Members note that the Inspector has removed our amendment from Annex 1, in which we sought to remove the proposed development site at the southern end of the Airfield, in close proximity to Ford.  We also note the Inspector’s comment, “If the Council were to decide that development in this area was acceptable then it would do so under the terms of Core Policy 9”. We wish to reaffirm our democratic decision that development of the southern site is unacceptable.”


On being moved and seconded, Cllr McLennan spoke on his motion. At the Chairman’s invitation, Cllr Fleur de Rhe-Philipe, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning responded to the motion. She explained that whilst she understood the sentiment behind the motion, the South Wiltshire Core Strategy had to be considered in its entirety and it would be risky to try and introduce minor amendments to it at this stage.


The Chairman moved that the motion be debated and this was duly seconded by the Vice-Chairman. On being put to the vote, it was




That notice of motion no.22 be debated.


A debate ensued on the motion and the South Wiltshire Core Strategy in general during which Cllr McLennan voiced his concerns over the impact the Core Strategy would have on the Laverstock and Ford areas in particular.


Attention was drawn by several Councillors to the length of the process that led to the South Wiltshire Core Strategy and possibility that the adoption of the motion would place the South Wiltshire Core Strategy in jeopardy, leading to a planning policy vacuum in South Wiltshire.


Cllr McLennan re-iterated his view that a vote in support of the motion would re-affirm the Council’s democratic will on the site.


On being put to the vote, the motion was LOST  and it was




That notice of motion no. 22 be not adopted.


The above decision was the subject of a recorded vote and recorded as follows:



For the notice of motion (25)


Cllrs Desna Allen, Rosemary Brown, Trevor Carbin, Chris Caswill, Ernie Clark, Peter Colmer, Brian Dalton, Peggy Dow, John Fogg, Malcolm Hewson, Jon Hubbard, George Jeans, David Jenkins, Simon Killane, John Knight,  Howard Marshall, Ian McLennan, Steve Oldrieve, Helen Osborn, Jeff Osborn, Mark Packard, Ricky Rogers, Judy Rooke, Ian West and Graham Wright.


Against the notice of motion (49)


Cllrs Richard Beattie, Chuck Berry, John Brady, Liz Bryant, Allison Bucknell, Nigel Carter, Richard Clewer, Linda Conley, Mark Connolly, Christine Crisp, Mike Cuthbert-Murray, Andrew Davis, Fleur de Rhe-Philipe, Tony Deane, Peter Doyle, Peter Fuller, Richard Gamble, Howard Greenman, Mollie Groom, Lionel Grundy, Robert Hall, Russell Hawker, Mike Hewitt, Alan Hill, Charles Howard, Chris Humphries, Keith Humphries,  Peter Hutton, Julian Johnson, Jerry Kunkler, Jacqui Lay, Alan Macrae, Laura Mayes, Jemima Milton, Sheila Parker, Graham Payne, Jane Scott, Jonathon Seed, John Smale, Carole Soden, Toby Sturgis, Julie Swabey, John Thomson, Dick Tonge, Bridget Wayman, Fred Westmoreland, Stuart Wheeler, Roy While and Chris Williams.


Abstentions (14)


Cllrs Richard Britton, Christopher Cochrane, Chris Devine, Mary Douglas, Jose Green, Bill Moss, Francis Morland, Christopher Newbury, John Noeken, Jeff Ody, Nina Philips, Leo Randall, Pip Ridout, and Tony Trotman.

Supporting documents: