Agenda item

Business Plan Scorecard

A report is attached which is to be considered by Cabinet on 15 November 2011 and provides a summary of progress against the Council’s Business Plan to include:


§  Performance indicators for Community Results and Council Performance for the period April to September 2011. 


§  The status of the Council’s main programmes.


§  The Workforce Report from Human Resources.


In addition to the overall status of the Council’s main programmes, an appendix is also attached providing a further status breakdown for each of the 13 programmes.


The Committee is asked to comment as appropriate.


A report providing a summary of progress against the Council’s Business Plan was circulated with the Agenda together with a status breakdown for each of the Council’s 13 main programmes.


The Corporate Director for Transformation and Resources, Service Director for Policy, Performance and Partnership and Cabinet members for Resources and Finance, Performance and Risk were in attendance to answer questions arising.


Upon discussion clarification was provided that the anticipated reduction in leisure service visits by the public had been considered in response to the current economic situation although this would continue to be reviewed.


The Council projected 1,800 new affordable homes by March 2015, which equated to an average of 450 per annum.  It was recognised that much of this number would be met by external sources, such as housing associations.  A conference was scheduled later this year to encourage further external participation.


In relation to the Information Services Programme clarification was provided that a briefing paper would be circulated to members by the end of December ahead of its planned released in January.  Training on the system would be available to access on-line.


Although the scorecard for customer telephone call connection rates indicated that the Council was not on target for 2011/12 improvements had been made in the past two weeks and therefore this was likely to be achieved.


In raising concern over the red categorisation of AOWA (Adults of Working Age) and Phase 1a Minor Procurements as detailed within the Procurement Programme fishbone the Cabinet Member clarified that this was in part due to the service taking a people centred approach which had changed the specification of the procurement programme.  Consultations would also delay the programme further and had therefore contributed to the red category given.


The Committee was reminded that the authority was seeking to secure approximately 10% procurement savings across the organisation this financial year. Approximately 5% had been achieved to date with other avenues being explored to secure additional savings.  The Procurement and Commissioning Task Group were monitoring this area and the Procurement Board, lead by the Chief Finance Officer, were satisfied with the progress being made.  The Task Group would be requested to include details of the Procurement Programme fishbone as part of its considerations at its next meeting.


The Workforce Report was also considered where it was noted that an increase in sickness rates had taken place.  The seasonal increase was consistent with the previous year figures and was low in terms of industry standards.


The cost of replacing leavers of the organisation equated to £2m per annum.  The recruitment process was being addressed which was expected to reduce this cost in the future.  To further assist the Committee the Chairman requested that further details on the costs associated with consultancy and agency staff also be provided following the meeting.


The Committee welcomed the information provided and recognised that  once further training had been undertaken on the sharepoint system members would be able to drill down further within each Programme.




1)    To thank Cabinet members and officers for the information provided;


2)    That the Committee would await Sharepoint training before deciding on whether further steps were required; and


3)    That the Procurement and Commissioning Task Group would be asked to include details of the Procurement Programme fishbone as part of its considerations at the next meeting.

Supporting documents: