Agenda item

Skate Park Report and Recommendations

To receive a report from the Skate Park Task Group and to consider any associated recommendations from the Group.


The Area Board received a report from the Skate Park Task Group regarding progress with plans for a skate park in Chippenham.


A skate park had been identified by the Area Board as a priority, and the Skate Park Task Group had been tasked with researching the issues, and identifying and assessing potential sites.


As outlined in the report, a large number of potential sites for a skate park had been considered, but were not found to be appropriate for various reasons. The most suitable site identified was Monkton Park, and informal consultations had also found this to be a popular option. Long Close was also a possibility although not as central as Monkton Park.


The report from the Task Group outlined a number of recommendations in order to progress the development of a skate park in Chippenham.


The key issues that were discussed following receipt of the report included:


  • The previous failures of North Wiltshire District Council had let the young people of Chippenham down, so Wiltshire Councillors were urged to proceed with the Task Group’s recommendations.
  • If the development of a skate park was to be dependent on Section 106 developer contributions from the Bath Road site, this could take considerable time to come forward.
  • Chippenham was a large community and it was believed possible that sufficient funds could be raised via alternative methods, similar to the way that Corsham had successfully raised funds for its skate park.
  • Identifying a suitable site and obtaining planning permission were suggested to be more significant challenges than fundraising.
  • Consultation was considered the priority for the Task Group, and it was intended that the consultation would include the wider community.
  • A total of 19 sites had been assessed for suitability by the Task Group and Monkton Park was proposed as the most feasible site to take forward to consultation.
  • Full noise and health and safety assessments would be carried out in parallel with the consultation. Assurance was provided that the Task Group did not want to repeat the mistakes made previously by North Wiltshire District Council in terms of noise nuisance and other issues that had not been addressed correctly. There was a strong intention to get things done right this time for the people of Chippenham.
  • Local parents were frustrated at the lack of facilities for young people in Chippenham. Parents had to drive to neighbouring towns and as far as Bristol to allow their children to use skating and bmx facilities.
  • The modern build of skate parks involved the use of concrete, which significantly reduced noise levels and disturbance to local residents.
  • Although Stanley Park had been considered as a potential site, the Town Council had other plans for this site which did not allow for the development of a skate park. There was also concern that the site was not central enough to the town centre, which may pose transport and safety issues, and which could significantly reduce the potential usage.
  • The Town Council was supportive of a full consultation exercise and offered use of its publication ‘Talk of the Town’ as a method of reaching local residents.
  • Locating the skate park in Monkton Park could have a positive impact on the town centre by increasing trade in the local shops.
  • Residents adjoining Monkton Park were concerned about the potential impacts of a skate park, including noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour.
  • It was suggested that it would be more feasible to develop an indoor skating facility that could be used in all weather conditions.
  • Some concern was raised that three of the main entrances to Monkton Park were on steep inclines which could pose significant safety issues for the skaters and the other general users of the park.
  • Local parents, who visited skate parks often with their own children, confirmed that they did not witness any evidence of anti-social behaviour at such facilities.
  • It was commented that Monkton Park was a public space that was available for use of all members of the community, and so the needs of the whole community needed to be considered; not just those of the people who lived nearby.
  • It was suggested that, should Monkton Park be the preferred option for a skate park, that perhaps it could be sited to the side of Wilkinsons, which was close to the town centre and would resolve the concerns of local residents.
  • There was concern that Monkton Park was in a conservation zone and a skate park could significantly impact on the landscape and serenity of the park.
  • Young people present at the meeting did not support Stanley Park as a potential site, due to its distance from the town centre. It was also considered too windy by skating professionals.
  • It was noted that a specific site within Monkton Park was not being suggested at this stage, and that this level of details would come out of the consultation.


Councillor Chris Caswill, as the local member for Monkton Park, proposed the following:


“The Area Board welcomes the progress made by the Skate Park Task Group towards identifying a site for Chippenham, which is much needed.  It particularly welcomes the idea of a public consultation but believes that consultation should as far as possible include the whole town, and a larger number of potential sites.  It therefore asks the Task Group to continue its work by:


1)    Further investigation into the different styles and approximate costs of skate parks.


2)    Providing for consultation on at least three potential sites, including Monkton Park,  specifying within these where a skate park could be located, and suggesting preferred styles.  As a contribution to that a further conversation should be had with the Town Council about including Stanley Park, which the Area Board believes to be appropriate.


3)    Preparing, with partners, a costed and reliable consultation for the town as a whole, to test the preferences of the local community.


4)    Bringing proposals based on the above back to the next Area Board meeting on 5 March, or as soon as possible thereafter, for approval of the consultation and decision on next steps.” 


The above proposal was seconded by Councillor Judy Rooke, and the Chairman took the proposal to the vote.



The Area Board did not support the above proposal.


The result of the above vote was as follows:


For = 4

Against = 5

Abstentions = 1


Councillor Peter Hutton proposed the recommendations put forward by the Skate Park Task Group in the report. This was seconded by Councillor Nina Phillips.



The Area Board agreed to support the following recommendations from the Chippenham Skatepark Task Group:


  1. Chippenham Skatepark Task Group to formally ask Chippenham Town Council to consider whether they have any objections to a public consultation exercise to install a concrete construction Skatepark in Monkton Park.
  2. Consultation is to include a public meeting specifically for residents adjacent to the proposed site and consultation with the wider community area.
  3. Acoustic guidance from the Public Protection team will be followed and a comprehensive noise impact assessment will be commissioned.


The result of the above vote was as follows:


For = 8

Against = 2

Abstentions = 0.

Supporting documents: