Agenda item

Task Group Reports and Decisions

To consider reports from the following task groups and make any necessary decisions:


      i.        Community Area Transport Group

    ii.        Neighbourhood Planning Forum

   iii.        Cricklade Shadow Community Operations Board

   iv.        Royal Wootton Bassett Shadow Community Operations Board

    v.        Voices Working Group.


Updates were received as follows:


      i.        Community Area Transport Group

The notes of the meeting held on 12 January 2012 were received and noted. The next meeting of the Community Area Transport Group would be held on 15 March 2012.


    ii.        Neighbourhood Planning Forum

A meeting had taken place on 14 December 2011 and it was agreed to support continued work towards the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for the Community Area. The next meeting would be held on 1 February 2012, when it was expected to formally endorse Terms of Reference and begin to draw up a programme of work.



Councillor Mollie Groom was appointed as the Area Board’s second representative to the Neighbourhood Planning Forum.


   iii.        Cricklade Shadow Community Operations Board (COB)

A report was provided which updated on the outcomes of the second round of consultation that had been carried out in December 2011. By the end of January, all group consultation would be complete and more work done on understanding the service provision for each location.


Before the Area Board meeting on 28 March 2012, it was anticipated that a firmer proposal would be available, based on desktop appraisal of options, and a brief would be drawn up for initial feasibility exercises to take place.


   iv.        Royal Wootton Bassett Shadow Community Operations Board (COB)

The Shadow COB had continued to meet since the last Area Board meeting. Of note was the presentation at the Wiltshire Council Cabinet meeting in December 2011, and the resulting support and encouragement of the Cabinet.  The Cabinet agreed a proposal from the leader of the Council that the Transformation Team formally sought partners to deliver the proposal, particularly with the MOD in relation to the Defence Training Centre at Lyneham. This dialogue was ongoing. 


An equalities workshop event was held by the Shadow COB at the beginning of December.  The Shadow COB had noted all of the discussion and feedback and would be reflecting on this through the next phase of work. 


The Shadow COB also noted that one of the weaknesses had been in the field of communications and as the project continued, it was seeking ways to address this. Officers from Wiltshire Council had offered additional support.


In response to a question regarding provision of a pool in the Royal Wootton Bassett area, Mark Stone, Transformation Director, reported that Wiltshire Council was currently entering into conversations with the MOD regarding funding for the wider campus proposal, as per the request from Cabinet. In the interim, various options were bring considered including a proposal for the provision for a temporary facility for a 12-week period, but further feasibility work was required before a decision could be made. The Council would work to ensure that a pool was available in line with the original timescale commitment from the Area Board.


    v.        Voices Working Group

Councillor Jacqui Lay reported that the Wiltshire Voices Project, which had been supported by the Area Board through a Performance Reward Grant, had been under way since October 2010. The focus of the project was to work with people suffering from memory loss.


After some initial meetings, a meeting of the Steering Group would be held on 30 January 2012, and it was hoped that work would begin to plan a community event, to be held in March.

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