Agenda item

Call in of Cabinet Decision - Proposed closure of Urchfont Manor

To consider a call-in request of the Cabinet decision on the proposed closure of Urchfont Manor.


The Senior Scrutiny Officer opened the Item with clarification on the purpose of the call-in, which was to consider the Cabinet decision taken on 17 January to close Urchfont Manor and whether appropriate consultation had been undertaken.


After listening to the concerns raised and following discussion the Committee would be requested to decide either:


(1)          That it was satisfied by the response, would take no further action and inform the decision-making (Cabinet) accordingly.  The decision would then be implemented immediately; or


(2)          Refer the matter back to the decision-maker and set out in writing the nature of its concerns.  The decision-maker would then be required to reconsider the matter within 5 working days, amend the decision or not, before adopting a final decision.


Cllr Osborn, who had raised the call-in as the Chairman of the Committee, was then invited to make his presentations accordingly.   A copy of Cllr Osborn’s statement was circulated at the meeting which included:


·         That the decision to call-in the decision was on behalf of all back-bench members, irrespective of party political interest.


·         That there was no evidence to demonstrate that Cabinet had undertaken adequate consultation in line with constitutional requirements outlined within paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Cabinet Procedure Rules prior to reaching their decision.  


Reference was also drawn to the consultation strategy for Wiltshire Council which outlined the Council’s commitment to engage people in decision-making by giving them an opportunity to voice their opinions before decisions were taken.


As a member of the Urchfont Manor Management Board, Cllr Osborn was also concerned that the Board, whether as a stakeholder or advisory panel, was not adequately consulted.


A motion was presented that Cabinet reconsider the decision made with regards to the future of Urchfont Manor in light of consultation as defined within paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Cabinet procedure rules of the Constitution.


Public Participation


Written representations were received from the following members of the public in the form of questions and statements, details of which were circulated:


Mr David Mottram

Michele Lomas

Janet Crowther

Myfanwy Hart

Nicola Vesey Williams

Richard Hawkins

Geoff Skinner

Staff of Urchfont Manor

Ann Brewins

Bob Giles

Nicola Jones

Jan Pineau

Michael Drage

Stella Hall

Sue Madden

Cllr John Smale

Liz Adams

Gerald Seman

Lesley Irvin

Terri Atkins


Verbal representations were also made at the meeting by:


Mr David Motram

Mr Cairns Langlands


Following Public Participation Cllr Jonathon Seed, as Chairman of the Urchfont Manor Management Board (UMMB), requested to address the Committee prior to the Cabinet members response to Cllr Osborn’s call-in request.


Clarification was made that the purpose of the Board was as an advisory panel, further details of which could be found in the Terms of Reference, a copy of which was circulated at the meeting. 


Reference was also made to the discussions that had been undertaken by the Board since unitary in 2009 in relation to use of the Manor and potential funding streams that could assist the Council in maintaining the use of the building. 


A recommendation relating to the future of the Manor was expected from the Cabinet Capital Asset Committee (CCAC).  The next meeting of the Board (scheduled for December) was cancelled until the CCAC recommendation was known.  The next meeting was scheduled to take place on 10 February where the Cabinet decision would be discussed.


The Cabinet Member for Campus Development and Culture was asked to respond to the call-in request by Cllr Osborn where clarification was given that the decision related to the closure of the building and not the provision of adult education services.


Details of plans to reduce the number of strategic assets had been clearly outlined in the Council’s Business Plan.  Although consultation was not required for the disposal of strategic assets, discussions had taken place with Urchfont Parish Council.  As a result key community amenities, such as the playing fields, wooded area and the cricket pitch, were to be protected.


Following closure of debate the Committee voted on whether to support the Call-in.  With a majority vote the Committee




To refer the matter back to the decision-maker requesting that Cabinet reconsider the decision to close Urchfont Manor House in light of consultation, as defined within paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Cabinet procedure rules in Part 7 of the Constitution.


Post meeting note: A report outlining the Committee’s recommendation was prepared and presented to Cabinet at its meeting held at 3:45pm on 30 January 2012.  A copy of the report can be found attached to these minutes.

Supporting documents: