Agenda item


a.    Community Area Grants Scheme 2011/12

To consider the following applications to the Community Area Grant Scheme:


i.              Chippenham Partnership of Schools - £2,625 requested for the Chippenham Games

ii.            10th Chippenham Guides - £935 requested to purchase camping equipment

iii.           Chippenham Bowls Club - £2,568 requested for the installation of floodlights

iv.           Chippenham Museum & Heritage Centre - £980 for the Primary School Archaeology Project

v.            Finding the Forgotten - £3,000 requested for increasing Great War education , knowledge and awareness


Grants application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at grantsscheme.htm


b.    Area Board Projects

To consider the following Area Board Project application:


·         £2,500 requested to commission a pilot project with the Media Department at Wiltshire College Chippenham to increase engagement between the local community and Chippenham Area Board.


c.    Other Projects

To consider the following:


·         £600 requested towards the hire of a jousting tent to accommodate displays promoting Chippenham Community Area at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee event on 1 May 2012.


d.    Community Area Transport Group

To consider the following:


·         To vire the balance of unspent Area Board funding of £19,900 to the Chippenham Community Area Transport Group (CSTG), for:


                              i.        Malmesbury Road, Chippenham – allocate £8,000 to improve safety of pedestrians at the zebra crossing near St Paul’s Church Hall.

                            ii.        Kington St Michael Road, Kington Langley – allocate £6,900 to upgrade the footpath.

                           iii.        Accessibility Improvements – allocate £5,000 to install dropped kerbs in the Community Area, following a prioritisation exercise for dropped kerbs to be carried out by the CATG with town and parish councils.


a.    Community Area Grant Scheme 2011/12

The Area Board considered the following applications to the Community Area Grant Scheme 2011/12:


               i.        Chippenham Partnership of Schools

The sum of £2,625 was requested for the Chippenham Games.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £2,625 to Chippenham Partnership of Schools for Chippenham Games, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2011/12 and demonstrated a link to the Chippenham & Villages Community Plan.


              ii.        10th Chippenham Guides

The sum of £935 was requested to purchase camping equipment.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £935 to 10th Chippenham Guides for the purchase of camping equipment.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2011/12 and demonstrated a link to the Chippenham & Villages Community Plan.


            iii.        Chippenham Bowls Club

The sum of £2,568 was requested for the installation of floodlights.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £2,568 to Chippenham Bowls Club for the installation of floodlighting, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2011/12 and demonstrated a link to the Chippenham & Villages Community Plan.


Councillors Allen, Phillips, Douglas and Packard all left the room due to declaring prejudicial interests in the next item.


Councillor Greenman was temporarily elected to the Chair.


            iv.        Chippenham Museum & Heritage Centre

The sum of £980 was requested for the Primary School Archaeology Project.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £980 to Chippenham Museum & Heritage Centre for the Primary School Archaeology Project.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2011/12 and demonstrated a link to the Chippenham & Villages Community Plan.


Councillors Allen, Phillips, Douglas and Packard returned to the meeting.


Councillor Allen returned to the Chair.


              v.        Finding the Forgotten

The sum of £3,000 was requested for increasing Great War education, knowledge and awareness.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £3,000 to Finding the Forgotten for increasing Great War education knowledge and awareness for Chippenham and surrounding villages through filming of real life reconstructions, conditional upon the films not being sold for profit and the balance of funding being in place.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2011/12 and demonstrated a link to the Chippenham & Villages Community Plan.


Some concern was raised that the Chippenham-based applicants were not getting in contact with their local members before submitting their applications. It was confirmed that all applicants were advised to do so when their applications were received.


b.    Area Board Projects

The Area Board considered the following Area Board Project application:


Engagement Project

The sum of £2,500 was requested to commission a pilot project with the Media Department at Wiltshire College Chippenham to increase engagement between the local community and Chippenham Area Board.



The Area Board awarded the sum £2,500 to the Area Board Engagement Project.


c.    Other Projects

The Area Board considered the following proposal:


Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

The sum of £600 was requested towards the hire of a jousting tent to accommodate displays promoting Chippenham Community Area at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee event on 1 May 2012.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £600 towards the hire of a jousting tent for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee event on 1 May 2012.


d.    Community Area Transport Group

The Area Board considered using its remaining budget to fund small-scale local transport and highways improvement schemes, as prioritised.



The Area Board agreed to allocate the balance of unspent Area Board funding of £19,900 to the Chippenham Community Area Transport Group for:


               i.        Malmesbury Road, Chippenham – allocate £8,000 to improve pedestrian safety at the zebra crossing near St Paul’s Church Hall.

              ii.        Kington St Michael Road, Kington Langley – allocate £6,900 to upgrade the footpath.

            iii.        Accessibility improvements – allocate £5,000 to install dropped kerbs in the Community Area, following a prioritisation exercise for dropped kerbs to be carried out by the Community Area Transport Group with town and parish councils.

Supporting documents: