Agenda item

Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any updates, the Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service update will include a short presentation from Scott Tyler & Mike Bagnall - Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, on proposed operational changes.



To receive any verbal updates, in addition the following written updates were

attached to the agenda:


Wiltshire Police

The written update was noted.



Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

Scott Taylor & Mike Bagnall, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service gave a presentation to outline proposed operational changes.


Points made included:


The Need for change


·         The Fire & Rescue Services were looking to create a Fire Service for the future.


·         Review its current service delivery.


·         The Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR 2010) had delivered a 25% cut in formula grant for the Fire and Rescue Service nationally.


Proposed change

·         A salary system for retained staff.


·         To alter the whole time duty systems, altering shifts to run from 7am-7pm.


·         Create communities for service resilience.


Special Appliances


·         Reviewing of specialist appliance locations.


·         Specialist vehicles.


·         Modernisation of the current fleet of appliances.


·         Review current service delivery.



Points made from the floor included:


·         Will stations be closed under the proposals?

a.No, stations would remain as they are, no frontline appliances would be lost.


·         Are any other fire services working under the proposals put forward tonight?

a.Yes, Lancashire, Kent and Dorset.


·         Would retained fire fighters lose out financially under the new proposals?

a.No, pay would be enhanced to counter this, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service were looking to become a primary employer.


An interactive vote was taken to gauge how people felt about the proposals, which showed that 59% of the meeting agreed with their implementation.


The Chairman thanked Scott Taylor & Mike Bagnall for their update.


The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.



NHS Wiltshire.

The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.



Tidworth Garrison - Col Paddy Tabor.


·         Around four thousand members of the Tidworth garrison would be leaving to take up postings overseas during March 2012.


·         Netheravon West Camp is due to close on the 30 March 2012.


·         Work on a new garrison theatre had started, this was a major project with some six-seven million pounds being spent on it.


·         A new wing at Tedworth House is expected to be open from September 2012.


·         This year’s Rundle Cup polo match would be held on Saturday 14 July.


·         Viola Water had advised that no immediate water shortages were anticipated.



Tidworth Community Area Partnership – Tony Pickernell.


·         TCAP now have a regular spot on  Castledown Radio.


·         The new community plan is underway with the household survey nearly completed.


·         Members were needed for the TCAP Communications theme group.


·         The cut off date of nominations for the 2012 Community Awards which would be held at the Wellington Academy on Friday 6 April 2012 was Friday 30 March.



Wellington Academy – Andy Scofield


·         Army Welfare staff would be working with the Wellington Academy in light of the major deployment during March 2012.



Ludgershall Town Council


·         Planning was on-going for the Olympic Torch and Jubilee celebrations.



Tidworth & Ludgershall Young People – Wendy Higginson


·         Recent street based youth work in Tidworth was well received.


·         Good work being carried out on Sexual Health and Alcohol Awareness.


·         This year’s summer youth programme is currently being planned.


·         Peer mentoring training at the Wellington Academy which looked at smoking was well received.



4 Children – Betty Dobson


·         Support would be available for the families of soldiers involved in the March deployment, sessions were planned to start at the end of March.



Castledown Radio – Baz Riley


·         Castledown Radio were putting together a request show for the deployed soldiers.



The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.

Supporting documents: