Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners giving an overview of the last year and details of priorities for 2012/13:


(a)   Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – To include information regarding the Integrated Risk Management Plan for 2012-15.

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)   Chamber of Commerce

(g)  Youth Development Service

(h)  Corsham Area Board – Summary of Activity 2011/12


(a)  Wiltshire Police


PC Hazel Anderson presented the police update.  Volunteers were being sought to take part in community speedwatch schemes in the area.  Officers were continuing to raise awareness and speak to dog owners regarding dog fouling.  People were encouraged to inform the police if they were aware of any rogue traders operating in the area.  PC Anderson was pleased to announce that crime figures had significantly decreased in the area.


(b)  Wiltshire Police Authority


Gill Stafford gave an update regarding the Wiltshire Air Ambulance/Police Helicopter.  In the future there would be one central contract for police helicopters and the aircraft would be based at Filton which provided better visibility than Colerne.  Some parts of Wiltshire would also be served by services based in Thames Valley and Dorset.  The current contract with Wiltshire Air Ambulance would run until December 2014.


(c)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


A written update was circulated with the agenda papers.  A consultation was currently taking place regarding the Fire and Rescue Service.  Anyone interested in taking part in the consultation could do so via the following email address or by telephoning 01380 731114.


(d)  NHS


A written update was circulated with the agenda papers.


(e)  Box Parish Council


The Parish Council would be supporting an exciting initiative entitled “Box Rock Circus” which would be a 7m diameter circle positioned on the Recreation Ground.  This would include a display of Sedimentary Igneous and Metamorphic rocks together with “dinosaur footprints”.


The Parish Council was also planning a jubilee celebration event when many different activities would be taking place.


(f)   Colerne Parish Council


CCTV had been installed at the Recreation Ground and was a good deterrent against vandalism.  The Colerne Parish Plan had now been completed.  A community café had been set up and was open on Wednesdays and Fridays; this was supported by the Parish Council.


The junior football club now contained 30 members and was very popular.  The new footpath supported by the CATG was very well used.  Some dry stone walling work had been carried out by the new footbridge and footpaths had also been cleared.  The Emergency Winter Plan had also been prepared.


In the future the Parish Council was planning dropped kerbs, road resurfacing and a Diamond Jubilee Fete on 3 June with many different events including local bands.  Proceeds would go to the village and local charities. 


(g)  Corsham Town Council


Reports from Corsham Town Council giving details of its corporate plan, priorities for 2012/13 and community activity undertaken in 2011 were circulated with the agenda papers.


Cllr Peter Anstey reported that good progress was being made towards objectives.  He also thanked the Shadow Community Operations Board members for the work they were undertaking to bring the campus project to fruition.  Corsham was a good place to live and work and the neighbourhood policing teams were very effective and crime had fallen in the area.  He also thanked the Area Board for the work undertaken to reduce speeding in the area including the speedwatch scheme and use of speed indicator devices.  The Annual Town Council meeting would take place on 5 April 2012 at 7pm.


(h)  Lacock Parish Council


The Parish Council had received substantial funds due to the village being used as a film location.  The Council planned to spend £50k on upgrading the play areas and restoring raised pavements.  The Parish Council was grateful to the Area Board for supporting joint working on these projects.


It had been possible working with the probation service to carry out grass cutting in the area and a Parish Caretaker had been appointed to work on the streetscene.  This would continue for the forthcoming year.  The parking restriction scheme had been very successful and it was hoped that Wiltshire Council parking services could assist in the future.  97% of respondents to the consultation were in favour of the scheme.


Priorities for the forthcoming year were general care and maintenance of the village bearing in mind increasing visitor numbers.


(i)    Corsham Community Area Network – CCAN


Kevin Gaskin circulated a report at the meeting which is attached as an appendix to these minutes.  Kevin also highlighted the following issues:


·         The network of community groups and individuals was continuing to grow.

·         The website was now available and user hits were increasing, with over 250 visits in March so far.

·         The older people’s information event held in October had proved to be a very successful networking opportunity and useful links had been made between a number of different community groups.

·         The excellent work of the Transport Action Group was acknowledged; particularly the time and effort they had invested to develop the Transport Plan for the campus project and their support to the Cycle Network Group.

·         CCAN was now starting joint working with other Community Area Partnerships to look at common public transport issues.

·         Volunteer work in support of the South Place trial would begin in the near future.

·         CCAN would bring the Work Plan for 2012/13 to the next Area Board meeting.


(j)    CAYPIG Update


A written report regarding the work of the youth service in the community area was circulated with the agenda papers.


(k)  Area Board Update


A report detailing a summary of activity undertaken by the Area Board over the last 12 months was circulated with the agenda papers.  The Area Board had met seven times and a total of 420 people had attended with an average of 60 attendees per meeting.  Members were pleased to note that the community area grants had enabled a significant amount of extra funding to be levered into the area.


In response to a question regarding the proposed zebra crossing on Pickwick Road it was confirmed that this issue had been discussed by the CATG and work was ongoing.

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