Agenda item

The future development of the Young People's Support Service (YPSS) - update

A report from Corporate Director, Carolyn Godfrey, providing an update on Wiltshire’s development of the Department for Education’s (DfE) Power to Innovate (PTI) and the proposed closure of the Young People’s Support Service (YPSS) in August 2012 following the Cabinet decision in November 2011. Reference is also made to the provision for young people currently in the service who will be directly affected by the closure of YPSS.


The Committee last considered this issue in November 2011 when the Committee received a report proposing the transformation of education provision for permanently excluded students of secondary school age.  The proposal was essentially to close Wiltshire’s four YPSS centres in Chippenham, Trowbridge, Devizes and Salisbury and to delegate the responsibility for educating permanently excluded students to secondary schools, which would receive the devolved funding. Members welcomed the trial, which they felt was most likely to provide an improved service for young people, and requested a progress report the this meeting of the Committee.


Mark Brotherton, Head of Targeted School & Learner Support, will attend to answer members’ questions. The Committee is asked to consider the information provided and comment as appropriate.





Consideration was given to a report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director which provided an update on Wiltshire’s development of the Department for Education’s (DfE) Power to Innovate (PTI) and the proposed closure of the Young People’s Support Service (YPSS) in August 2012 following the Cabinet decision in November 2011.  Reference was also made in the report to the provision for young people currently in the service who would be directly affected by the closure of YPSS.


The Select Committee last considered this issue in November 2011 when it received a report proposing the transformation of education provision for permanently excluded students of secondary school age.  The proposal was essentially to close Wiltshire’s four YPSS centres in Chippenham, Trowbridge, Devizes and Salisbury and to delegate the responsibility for educating permanently excluded students to secondary schools, which would receive the devolved funding. The Select Committee welcomed the trial, which it felt was most likely to provide an improved service for young people, and requested a progress report at this meeting.


These decisions were made consequent upon YPSS being placed in Special Measures following an Ofsted inspection in May 2011.  Since then YPSS had received a monitoring visit from two additional inspectors appointed by Ofsted who had reached a conclusion that the service was making satisfactory progress in relation to the Improvement Action Plan.


Mr Neil Owen had raised a couple of issues concerning:-


·                Chairs of School Governors being asked to sign off the proposal and the lack of time for Boards of Governors having sufficient time to discuss the issues.


·                Sarum Academy not agreeing to the proposal and refusing to take on the responsibility.


In response, Mr Mark Brotherton, Head of Targeted School & Learner Support, explained that the DfE had been late in sending the correct paperwork and their deadline had been set by the Minister who was to sign off the PTI. Wiltshire officers had endeavoured to get the paperwork to schools as soon as they had been received but nevertheless the deadline had been very tight and forced. However Headteachers had known about the general direction of travel and it had been expected that Governing Bodies would have met earlier to discuss what was happening but not necessarily the finer details.


It was noted that the majority of schools were taking part in the trial. Sarum College had decided not to participate and would therefore not receive their share of the money from DSG. The Council would therefore commission the Wessex Partnership through their arrangements for personalised learning to make provision for students from Sarum Academy. It was further noted that Sarum College had offered to make a contribution to this Partnership despite not receiving this money.




(1)          To note that a recent monitoring visit by Ofsted inspectors had found that the YPSS was making satisfactory progress in relation to the Improvement Action Plan.


(2)          To note the update provided on the development of the Department for Education’s (DfE) Power to Innovate (PTI) and the proposed closure of the Young People’s Support Service (YPSS) in August 2012.


(3)          To request a further update on the PTI Project, including the DfE’s light-touch review of the pilot schemes nationally at the November meeting.


(4)          To request that a briefing note be issued to all Councillors regarding the PTI Project.




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