Agenda item

Community Area Grants

The Board members will consider applications for funding, from the fifteen applicants as follows (Report attached):


  • Hindon Parish Council – Audio-visual Equipment £487
  • Upper Stour Parochial Church Council  - Restoration of Handbells £2,690
  • Friends of Fives Court (Mere) – Residents Garden £3,000
  • Wilton Development Centre for Young People – Leisure Credits £5,000
  • Mere Historical Society – Storage Materials £997
  • Upper Stour Parochial Church Council – Restoration of Church Bells £5,000
  • Bishopstone Village Hall – Refurbishment £5,000
  • Bowerchalke Church – Restoration of Boiler £3,500
  • Wilton Bowls Club – Mower/Scarifier £2,794
  • Hindon Fellowship Club – Replace Clubhouse Doors and Windows £1,700
  • Mere Social Club – Skittle Alley £4,500
  • Broad Chalke Parish Council – Tarmac Leisure Centre Car Park £3,415
  • Bowerchalke Village Hall – Upgrade of Lighting £986
  • Burcombe Parish Council – Upgrade Village Hall £5,000
  • Tisbury Methodist Church – Storage facilities £705


Officer: Richard Munro, Community Area Manager



The Board considered fifteen grant applications for funding under the Community Grant Scheme. The Chairman allowed applicants present to speak in support of their application and invited comments from the public.


After discussion the Board voted on each application.



Hindon Parish Council was awarded £487 toward the cost of the Audio-visual Equipment, with the condition that the equipment would be free to use by other local community groups.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



Upper Stour Parochial Church Council was awarded £2,690 toward their project to restore two sets of hand bells.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



Friends of Fives Court (Mere) was awarded £1,500 toward their project to create a residents garden, with the condition that the applicant invited local young people to participate in the project in a bid to engage the youth and possibly reduce the cost of the project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would engage the young people in a local project for elderly residents.



Wilton Development Centre for Young People was awarded £5,000 toward their Leisure Credit scheme.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would engage the youth in local projects in the community.



Mere Historical Society was awarded £997 toward the cost of storage materials.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10.



Upper Stour Parochial Church Council was awarded £2,500 toward the restoration of the bells in St Martin’s Church.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



Bishopstone Village Hall was awarded £5,000 toward their refurbishment project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



The application from Bowerchalke Church was refused.


The application did not meet the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10.



Wilton Bowls Club was awarded £2,794 toward the cost of a mower/scarifier.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10.



Hindon Fellowship Club was awarded £1,700 toward their project to replace windows and doors.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



Mere Social Club was awarded £4,500 toward their project to create a skittle alley, with the condition that a scheme was devised to enable young people to use the facility.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole as well as providing a wonderful opportunity for young people.


Councillor George Jeans declared a personal Interest in this Application as he was the Treasurer of Mere Social Club; he stayed and voted for this application.



Broad Chalke Parish Council was awarded £3,415 toward their project to Tarmac the Leisure Centre Car Park, with the condition that the applicant include access for school drop off.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



Bowerchalke Village Hall was awarded £986 towards an Upgrade to Lighting at the venue.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



Burcombe Parish Council was awarded £5,000 toward their project to upgrade the toilet facilities in the Village Hall, with the condition that the toilets must be open for all functions in the hall.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would benefit the community as a whole.



Tisbury Methodist Church was awarded £705 towards the purchase of Storage Facilities for use by the Toddlers Group.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10.



Graham Hogg, Service Director addressed the Board during this item, informing them that the Housing Department currently had between 80 – 100 members of staff who as part of their employment conditions were able to give one days work each year to assist on an Area Board project (Information sheet attached as Appendix 1).



Richard Munro, Community Area Manager informed the Board that, as a result of these decisions, there was a total of £6,453 remaining in the budget for 2009/10, which would be carried over to 2010/11.