Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To receive any chairman’s announcements including:


·         Localism Act Briefing

·         Paths for Communities – Grants for Parishes

·         Youth Funding Scheme


(a)  Paths for Communities – Grant Opportunities for Parishes


The Chairman reported that Natural England had launched a new Paths for Communities Grant scheme enabling community groups and partnerships to improve their public rights of way network.  Applications should be made by the end of December 2013.


(b)  Youth Funding Scheme


The Chairman explained that the Area Board would be repeating the successful “Dragons’ Den” Youth Funding event.  The Board has £4,700 this year to award to projects that involve young people.



·     can be for bids of any amount up to a maximum value of £1,500.

·     must be for groups/young people from Corsham Community Area.

·     can be from an individual young person supported by a group of young people,

·     must not be made for anything that is illegal or immoral or that promotes religious or political beliefs.

·     must NOT be for items that are statutory requirements e.g. school books.

·     must be completed within 12 months of receiving the funding.


A panel will review the grant applications and invite a shortlist of applicants to present their ideas to the area board on 22 November 2012.  The deadline for applications is Friday 5 October 2012.  Applicants will have about two minutes at the meeting to present to the board why their project should receive funding.


The grant criteria and application form were circulated with the agenda papers.  If you have any questions, need an application pack or need help to develop your idea into an application please contact Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager, on  or 01249 706380 – Work or 07979 318504 - Mobile.


(c)  Briefing Document on Localism Act


The Localism Act received royal assent on 15 November 2011.  The Council has produced a detailed briefing document on the Localism Act.  The briefing document is available on line using the following link


(d)  Questions


Mr Tony Peacock asked the following questions and the Chairman responded as set out below:


Question 1

In line with the Localism Bill there is growing interest amongst local people to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for South West Chippenham within the context of the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy. Given that the development spans the parishes of Lacock, Corsham and Chippenham who would take the lead on developing such a plan?



In Wiltshire, parish and town councils initiate and lead the process of developing a neighbourhood plan. Wiltshire Council advocates a steering group approach led by the town or parish council. The steering group should be governed by a lead ‘qualifying body’ i.e. either a parish or town council or councils working in partnership with one another. Members of a group should also include other local stakeholders as well as members of the community. The steering group will then be jointly responsible for managing the various stages of the process including scoping and delivery.


In the case of South West Chippenham, it might be appropriate for Lacock Parish and Corsham and Chippenham Town Councils to work collaboratively together instead of one parish or town council being the lead body.


Further information about the Neighbourhood Planning Process in Wiltshire is available on the Wiltshire Council Website at:


Mathew Pearson, Senior Planning Officer, would soon be contacting Town and Parish Councils to discuss the neighbourhood planning process.


Question 2

Wiltshire Council has not yet published the Chippenham Transport Strategy as part of the Wiltshire Core Strategy. This will have a profound impact on traffic movement in the Eastern part of the Corsham Community Area. When will the transport strategy be available and will it be put out for consultation given there has been no opportunity for anyone to comment on it?



The Stage 1 report prepared by SKM Colin Buchanan in January 2012 presented a comparative assessment of three growth options for Chippenham and was based on a high level review of transport implications for each of the options. The transport modelling work carried out for the purpose of the report was based on the options as described in the Core Strategy document available at the time.   When the transport strategy is available it will be brought to the area board for consideration.


SKM’s conclusion, based on professional opinion, was that the three options were broadly equivalent in terms of transport although they scored differently depending on the criteria considered e.g. traffic impact, accessibility and wider community benefits.   It is important to point out that the allocation decision made for Chippenham was based on a wide ranging number of considerations, transport being just one of many factors that were looked at. 


SKM Colin Buchanan are now progressing with the next stage of the development of the Transport Strategy for Chippenham, using the preferred land use pattern that has been identified in the Core Strategy.  Generating and appraising options to deal with growth in Chippenham will require the council to consider a number of strategic approaches, each of which will involve a combination of traffic, parking and public transport elements. Key links and junctions form part of that study (including Station Hill) Cycling and walking will also form a key part of the final strategy. 


SKM Colin Buchanan are presently generating and appraising transport options for the town and these options will shortly be considered by officers before an agreed strategy is approved.


         Wiltshire Council is setting up a progress meeting with SKM with a view to producing a draft towards the end of August


Question 3

Is there any update on when the formal Examination in Public (EiP) on the Wiltshire Core Strategy will take place?


The Examination in Public is expected to take place later this year. Exact dates have yet to be confirmed by the Planning Inspectorate.  The dates will be publicised when available.

Supporting documents: