Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)   Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)   Chamber of Commerce

(g)  Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB)


(a)  Wiltshire Police


Inspector Martin Schorah reported on the following issues:


·         The Community Speedwatch project was progressing well.

·         A male from Swindon had been charged with three knife-point robberies in Corsham and Chippenham.    He had been remanded in custody.

·         New powers had been introduced in respect of young people drinking and possessing alcohol.

·         Crime figures were positive with vehicle crime down by 43% and anti-social behaviour down by a third.

·         The “Jackfest” festival that had been held at Castle Combe had caused large traffic jams and work was now taking place to ensure that this did not happen in the future.  A working group including the Police had been set up.

·         Double yellow lines in Lacock were being strongly enforced this year and a meeting regarding the effectiveness of the enforcement would take place in October.


(b)  Fire and Rescue Service


The Area Board noted the report submitted by the Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service which was circulated with the agenda papers.


(c)  NHS Wiltshire


The Area Board noted the report submitted by the NHS Wiltshire which was circulated with the agenda papers.  Concern was expressed about the new contract which had been awarded to deal with NHS 111 call handling.  This would now be dealt with at Almondsbury in Bristol and there were some questions about the effectiveness of this arrangement.


ACTION:  Marie Todd to inform Maggie Rae, Corporate Joint Director of Public Health and Wellbeing, of the concerns raised.


(d)  Box Parish Council


The Box Rock Circus which was supported by a grant from the Area Board is now being built and should be completed in a couple of weeks.  There is an “informal” opening at 11am on Thursday 9 August.

The following link gives more information


(e)  Colerne Parish Council


The Jubilee Fete had been a great success, particularly the junior gymkhana.  The skateboard park project was now gathering momentum and consultation would begin shortly.  Two possible locations had now been identified.


(f)   Lacock Parish Council


A website was currently being developed and was likely to go live within the next week.


(g)  CCAN


Paul Kefford reported on the following issues:


·         It was important to avoid Corsham Area Board meetings clashing with Parish Council meeting dates as had happened on a couple of occasions recently.

·         Following the consultation event held in February work would soon begin on the priorities for the Community Plan.

·         The CCAN AGM will take place on 11 October 2012.

·         There was some disappointment regarding the Showell Farm proposals identified in the Core Strategy document.  An outline of the plans for the site would be on display at Corsham Library until Saturday 28 July.  Comments could also be sent on

·         Corsham had been identified as one of 40 towns likely to benefit from improved technology.  It was very important to encourage superfast broadband for the area.


(h)  Shadow Community Operations Board SCOB)


The Area Board noted the report from the SCOB.  The campus project was well underway and over the next 18 months further work would be carried out with the community and the various Working Groups that would be set up.

Supporting documents: