Agenda item

The Maltings - Public Engagement

To receive an initial verbal presentation from Stanhope PLC on how the consultation process will run, before any proposed designs are produced.



The Board received an initial verbal presentation from Gary Bourne of Stanhope PLC and Kate Bourne of Redwood Consulting; on how the consultation process would run, prior to the production of any proposed designs.

  • Introduction to Stanhope
  • Stanhope had recently been selected following a year long tender process.
  • Initial consultation by Stanhope was underway with stakeholder groups.
  • Local input was sought on a number of key issues.
  • Stanhope recognises the importance of early and meaningful consultation with the local community.  Stanhope aimed to be inclusive as possible from the outset, with assistance from all areas of the community to look at all of the factors which will help to shape the plans.
  • Key objectives of a masterplan were covered, with particular reference to including the river, site linkages, tourism, sustainability, quality retailers, transport and parking.
  • Consultation was planned with a cross section of age and society, and would include elected representatives, community groups, colleges, youth groups and disability groups to gain a wider view.
  • Consultation would not be restricted to the city, but would cover the surrounding parishes.
  • All of the relevant statutory groups would also be consulted including English Heritage.
  • Public consultation would be widely advertised, including in the local press and by flyer circulation.



Lots of work had already started, consultation and planning takes a great deal of time. The main aim over the next few months was to produce a development agreement.


October 2012 - Attend the Business Expo held in Salisbury.


Late 2012 / Early 2013 – Hold first exhibition in city centre, to show people where the project is at and to give any feedback required.


Work with Architect.


Summer / Autumn 2013 – Hold a further public exhibition.


Gather feedback.


Late 2013/early 2014 – Produce Planning Submission.


Late 2014 – Aim to start development phase, completion date unknown.


Gary added that updates and timescales would be provided throughout the process to keep people informed, and that people’s feedback and thoughts were welcomed.


The Chairman thanked Gary and Kate for the presentation adding that he was impressed with the work so far.


Questions and comments were then taken, these included:

  • Given that there are known water table limitations to the site, is it possible to put in an underground car park or basement? Answer: We are in the early stages of the design development; however we clearly understand the limitations and issues associated with this site. All of the options and possibilities open to us will be considered over the next five months.
  • Will the development include a cycle route and can COG meet Stanhope? Answer: We are keen to be in touch with the Heritage Trail to consider incorporating a cycle route and will arrange a meeting.
  • Will the development be carried out in small phases so that people can get a feel for it? Answer: The plan will involve phases to the work to keep disruption to a minimum; this is an important part of the plan.
  • The Maltings development is far more important on an economic scale than the market square development as it will affect our economic situation for years to come. Consultation should be rolled out to the wider Salisbury area outside of the city, as the facilities are used by all. Answer: We agree that Salisbury will draw people from greater afield, and that consultation would also include people from outside the city.