Agenda item

11/02946/FUL and 11/03200/FUL - Land at Great Middle Farm, Dauntsey and Land to The South of Middle Green Lane, Dauntsey


There were no public speakers.


The Planning Officer introduced the report which recommended that both applications be granted planning permission. The previous permissions granted by the Development Control Committee of the then North Wiltshire District Council were noted.


Details were provided on both the attenuation pond and drainage scheme and public open space. Attention was drawn to the new proposed location of the pond and that it would be part of the wider Sustainable Urban Drainage System. The satisfaction of the Environment Agency, Wessex Water and Wiltshire Council was highlighted. The Committee noted the reduction in public open space with the 1400m² being arrived at using the Council’s own method of calculating how much open space must be delivered in association with new residential developments.


The Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of officers. Confirmation of the adoption scheme within the section 106 agreement was confirmed. It was highlighted that the open space remained within the flood zone.


The Local Member, Councillor Tony Sturgis, then spoke in support of the applications.


A debate followed where need to have a working drainage scheme was discussed. Members also discussed the involvement of the local member in the delegated decisions given their knowledge of the area.


At the conclusion of the debate it was:-




11/02946/FUL – attenuation pond and drainage works


That 11/02946/FUL be DELEGATED back to the Area Development Manager and local Unitary Member to grant planning permission for the following reason, and subject to confirmation that the proposed drainage scheme will operate satisfactorily, the imposition of planning conditions and the signing of legal agreement under s106 of The Act covering the Heads of Terms set out in the report to Committee.


Reason for granting planning permission:


The proposed development is considered to comprise a suitable and effect method of surface water drainage from the Great Middle Green Farm development site.  It is a method that meets with the satisfaction of Wessex Water, the Environment Agency and the Council’s Drainage Engineer and constitutes development that would be without detriment to the wider amenities of the locality.  Subject to planning conditions and all parties entering into an agreement under s106 of The Act, the proposed development would comply with the provisions of Policies C3, NE21 and NE22 of the adopted North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011 as well as guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.




1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


REASON:  To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted plans and documents listed below. No variation from the approved plans should be made without the prior approval of the local planning authority. Amendments may require the submission of a further application.


Design and Access Statement (received 1st September 2011); Premier Surface Water Solutions Ltd – Revised Surface Water Drainage Assessment, including appendices A, B, C and D (received 17/04/12)


REASON: To ensure that the development is implemented as approved.


3. Within three months of the date of this permission full details of the proposed boundary treatments to the attenuation pond shall have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in complete accordance with those details so agreed.


REASON:  For the avoidance of doubt and so as to secure a safe and visually appropriate of development.


11/03200/FUL – Public open space


That 11/03200/FUL be DELEGATED back to the Area Development Manager and local Unitary Member to grant planning permission for the following reason, and subject to the planning conditions and signing of legal agreement under s106 of The Act covering the Heads of Terms, as set out in the report.


Reason for granting planning permission:


The proposed development is considered to be an acceptable solution to the outstanding requirement for public open space provision, which is fairly and reasonably related to the Great Middle Green Farm development site.  Subject to planning conditions and all parties entering into an agreement under s106 of The Act, the proposed development would be an acceptable form of development that would respect the amenities of the locality and comply with the provisions of Policies C3 and CF3 of the adopted North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011, the North Wiltshire Open Space Strategy as well as guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.




1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


REASON:  To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted plans and documents listed below. No variation from the approved plans should be made without the prior approval of the local planning authority. Amendments may require the submission of a further application.


Location plan (date stamped 26/09/11); Site layout plan (date stamped 26/09/11); Planning, Flood Risk Assessment and Design and Access Statement (date stamped 26/09/11)


REASON: To ensure that the development is implemented as approved.


3. Within three months of the date of this permission full details of the proposed boundary treatments to the public open space and play area shall have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in complete accordance with those details so agreed.


Reason:  For the avoidance of doubt and so as to secure a safe and visually appealing form of development.



Supporting documents: