Agenda item

12/00542/S73 - Whitehall Garden Centre Ltd., Corsham Road, Lacock, Wilts. SN15 2LZ


Public Participation


Mr David Pearce spoke in support of the application.


The Planning Officer introduced the report which recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


He explained that the application was merely an application to extend the time limit for implementation.


There were no technical questions from the Committee.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to address the Committee with their views as detailed above.


The Committee noted the next application which gave details of the drainage works.




To GRANT Planning Permission for the following reason:

The proposal is for the extension and rationalisation of an existing well established Garden Centre.  The proposal is considered to comply with local and national retail policies, will have only limited and acceptable impact upon the appearance of the area and the nearby conservation area, will have an acceptable impact upon highways issues such as access and traffic flow in the vicinity and will not adversely affect the amenities of neighbouring residential properties.  As such the proposal complies with Policies C3, NE15 and R4 of the North Wiltshire Local Plan.


AND subject to relevant parties entering into a legal agreement under s106 of The Act in respect of highway improvements

SUBJECT to the following conditions:

1.     The developmentherebypermittedshallbe begun before the expiration of threeyears from the date ofthispermission.


REASON:Tocomplywith Section 91 ofthe Town and CountryPlanning Act1990.


2.     The developmentherebypermittedshallbecarried out strictlyin accordancewith the approved plans subjecttosuchminor amendmentsto the developmentasmaybe approved in writing under this condition by the localplanning authority.


REASON: To ensure thatthe developmentis implementedin accordancewiththisdecisionin theinterestsofpublicamenity,butalso to allowfor the approvalofminor variationswhich do notmateriallyaffectthe permission.


3.     No demolition or buildingworkshallcommence on the developmentsite untilthe new access has beenconstructed in accordancewith detailsto besubmittedto and approvedinwriting by the LocalPlanningAuthority.

REASON:In the interestsofhighwaysafety.


4.     No demolition or buildingworkshallcommence on the developmentsite untilthe new main carparkhasbeen constructedin accordancewith detailsto be submitted to and approved in writing bythe LocalPlanningAuthority


REASON:Intheinterestsofhighwayand public safety.


5.     The areasallocated forparking and servicing on the approved plan shallbe kept clearof obstruction and shallnotbe used otherthanfor the parking of vehiclesand deliveriesin connectionwiththe developmentherebypermitted.


REASON:In the interestsofroadsafety.


6.     No developmentapproved by thispermissionshallbecommenced untila scheme forthe provision, implementation and maintenance of surfacewaterdrainage workshasbeen submittedto and approvedinwriting by the LocalPlanningAuthority.The drainage works shallbecompletedin accordancewiththe detailsand timetable agreed.


REASON: To preventthe increasedriskofflooding by ensuringthe provision of a satisfactory meansofsurfacewater disposaland to preventpollution of the water environment.


7.     No developmentapproved by thispermissionshallbecommenced untila scheme forthe provision and implementation of surfacewater run-offlimitation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the LocalPlanning Authority.Thescheme shallbe implemented in accordancewiththe approved programme and details.


REASON: To preventthe increasedriskofflooding.


8.     No developmentapproved by thispermissionshallbecommenced untila scheme forthe provision and implementation of the surfacewater storage capacityduring a1 in 100 year plus climatechangeconditionshasbeen submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.Thescheme shallbe implemented in accordancewith the approved details.


REASON: To alleviatetheincreased riskofflooding.


9.     No developmentapproved by thispermissionshallbecommenced untila scheme forthe disposaloffouldrainage has been approved by and implementedto the reasonable satisfaction of the LocalPlanningAuthority.


REASON: To preventpollution of the waterenvironment.


10.Anyfacilities forthe storage ofoils,fuelsorchemicalsshallbesited on imperviousbasesand surrounded by imperviousbundwalls,detailsofwhichshallbesubmittedto the Local Planning Authorityfor approval.Thevolume ofthe bundedcompoundshould be at least equivalenttothecapacityofthe tank plus10%. Ifthereismultipletankage,the compound should be atleastequivalentto the capacityofthelargesttank,or thecombined capacityof interconnectedtanks,plus10%;or25%ofthe totalvolumethat could bestored atanyone time,which ever is the greater.Allfilling points,vents,gaugesandsightglassesmustbe locatedwithin the bund. The drainagesystemofthe bund shallbe sealedwith no discharge to any watercourse, land orunderground strata.Associated pipeworkshould belocated above ground,where possible,and protected fromaccidentaldamage.Allfilling pointsand tankoverflowpipe outletsshould be detailed to discharge downwardsintothe bund.


REASON: To preventpollution of the waterenvironment.


11.No deliveries shallbereceived or goodsdespatchedfromthe site outsidethehoursof07:00 to 18:30 nor at anytime on Sundays,Bankor Public Holidays.


REASON:In the interestsofthe amenityofthe area.


12.The construction of anypartofthe developmentherebypermittedshallnotincludethe use on site ofanymachinery,powered vehiclesorpowertoolsbefore 08:00;hoursorafter18:00 hourson anyweekday,nor before 09:00 hoursorafter13:00;on any Saturday,noratallon any Sundayor BankorPublicHolidaywithoutthe priorapproval inwriting of the local planning authority.


REASON: To ensure the creation/retention of an environmentfree fromintrusive levelsof noise and activityintheinterestsofthe amenityofthe area and to complyPolicyC3 ofthe NorthWiltshire LocalPlan 2011.


13.No developmentshallcommence untildetailsofthe proposed and existing levelsacrossthe site(including detailsofthefinishedfloorlevelsofallbuildingsherebypermitted)have been submittedto,and approved in writing by,the localplanning authority.The developmentshall be carried out in accordancewith the detailsso approved.


REASON:To ensurea satisfactorylayoutin the interestsofthe amenityofthe area.


14.The developmentherebypermittedshallnotbecommenced untildetailsofthelandscaping of the site,including wherever appropriate the retention of existingtrees,have been submittedto,and approved in writing by,the localplanning authority.


The approvedlandscapingscheme shallbe implemented within oneyearofeither thefirst occupation or use ofthe development,whetherinwhole orin part,or its substantial completion,whicheveristhesooner,and shallbe maintainedthereafterfora period of not lessthan five years.The maintenanceshallinclude the replacementofanytree or shrub whichisremoved,destroyed or diesbya tree or shrub of the samesize and speciesasthat whichit replaces,unlessotherwise agreedinwriting by the localplanning authority.




15.Fencing forthe protection of anyretained trees/hedges/shrubs shallbe erectedin accordancewiththe approved detailsbefore anyequipment,machineryor materialsare broughtonto the sitefor the purposesofthe developmentand shallbe maintained untilall equipment,machineryandsurplusmaterialshave beenremovedfromthe site.Nothing shall be stored or placed in anyareafencedin accordancewiththis condition and the ground levelswithin those areas shallnotbe altered,norshallanyexcavation be made,withoutthe written consentofthelocalplanning authority.


REASON:Intheinterestsofprotecting the existingtrees/hedges/shrubson the site during construction.


16.No developmentshallcommence untildetailsof materialsto be used externallyhave been submittedto,and approved in writing by,the localplanning authority.The developmentshall be built in the materialsapproved.




17.No developmentshallcommence untila planshowingthe preciselocation of anyareasof open storage andspecifying a maximumheightofopen storagewithinsuch area(s) has been submittedto,and approved in writing by,the localplanning authority.No rawmaterials, finished orunfinished productsorparts,crates,materials,waste,refuse or anyother item shallbestacked or stored on the site outsidethe area,orabove the height specified,as approved.


REASON:Intheinterestsofthe amenityofthe area.


18.The proposalshallbe used onlyfor the purposesofa garden centre including related ancillaryretailing and servicesasdetailed on the submitted plansand documents (specifically the“scheduleofindoor usesat Appendix 2oftheImpact assessment preparedbyC B RichardEllisdated March 2008).Specificallythesale ofconvenience goods shallbe restrictedto afloorspace area notexceeding 1000sq.m.


REASON:Torestrictthe nature of the proposed developmentin ordertocomplywith planning policyto ensure no adverseimpacton existingtown centresor upon issuesofaccessibility and sustainability.


19.Clothing sales shallberestrictedto suchitemsthatare directlyassociatedwith andancillary to gardening or othersimilarphysicaloutdoor activityasagreed by the localplanning authority.Thesale ofanyclothingshallberestrictedto afloor area not exceeding 250 sq metres.


REASON: To restrictthe nature ofthe proposed development in order tocomplywith planning policyto ensure no adverseimpacton existingtown centresor upon issuesofaccessibility and sustainability.

Supporting documents: