Agenda item

Highways and Streetscene Works Update

To receive a report from the Service Director (Highways and Transport) and Service Director (Neighbourhood Services) on future Scrutiny involvement with Highways issues, particularly in relation to contracts.


The Environment Select Committee has had a long-standing interest in the Highways and Streetscene Service, receiving a report on options for the Highways and Streetscene Contract in November 2011, and receiving regular updates at subsequent meetings.


Following the reorganization of the Overview and Scrutiny structure, the Committee requested a report highlighting issues within the Highways and Streetscene service which might require further input from Scrutiny.


Peter Binley (Head of Service Highway Asset Management and Commissioning) presented a report with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Cllr Dick Tonge, on the procurement process for the new Highways and Streetscene Works contract which would replace the services currently delivered though a mixture of separate contracts and in-house provision.

Details were provided on the assessment criteria used in the procurement process, including the importance of utilizing the Community Teams to assist the revamped service, and the points raised in the report where reinforced.

A debate followed, where further information was sought regarding the incentives built into the contract, where if a contractor developed and carried out an idea or method which increased efficiency and reduced costs, they would receive a proportion of those savings in reward. It was confirmed that although it was not possible to ensure the contractor lost out financially if they developed and carried out an idea which actually increased inefficiency and cost, the contracts would be reviewed annually to ensure the Council was being best served by its then current arrangements.

The Committee discussed the role of Parish Stewards in assisting the contractors chosen, and how this relationship could be made even more effective and flexible. Details were sought regarding the selection criteria for contractors and the selection process, and it was confirmed the contract could be re-tendered at any time if there is significant underperformance. It was also confirmed the contract was for five years with a possible two year extension.

Members then sought additional information on the operation of the contracted services, including how these would interact with Town Council run services, and communications issues between the public, council officers and contracted staff were raised, including the development and any future use of the Customer Lighting And Roads Enquiry Centre (CLARENCE) system for the public to report concerns. The need to further educate council staff on the system for reporting concerns and to address technical issues, should it be taken forward further, was also raised.

The Committee also sought assurances regarding any job losses as a result of the implementation of the contract, and it was stated none were expected.



1)            In view of the importance of the Council’s Highways and Streetscene service to the public there should be regular reports to the Environment Select Committee during the lead in and transition to the new service supplier. The next report to be in February 2013.


2)            That a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise be undertaken to consider the new Community Teams, particularly with regard to their relationship with the Community Area Managers, and also that they should be monitored and progress on their implementation reported to this Committee. 


3)            The changes and improvements to be implemented as a result of the new contract should be monitored and reported to ensure that the potential benefits are fully realised.


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