Agenda item

Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive updates from any partners who wish to contribute:


      i.        Parish and Town Councils

    ii.        Wiltshire Police

   iii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

   iv.        NHS Wiltshire

    v.        Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

   vi.        Chippenham Vision

  vii.        Chippenham Campus Development Team

viii.        Youth Advisory Group (YAG)

   ix.        Youth Strategy Update

    x.        Chippenham Partnership of Schools

   xi.        Skate Park Task Group

  xii.        Other Community Groups


Updates from partners were received as follows:


      i.        Parish and Town Councils

The written reports contained within the agenda pack were noted.


In addition to the updates clarification was provided from Biddestone Parish Council that the road through the village would be closed over the forthcoming weekend due to filming.


Cllr Andrew Noblet also drew the Boards attention to the new Chippenham Town Council website and encouraged all to take a look.


    ii.        Wiltshire Police

A report from the Neighbourhood Policing Team was circulated at the meeting by Inspector Phil Staynings.  This included confirmation that the Response and Neighbourhood Policing Teams had now moved to Monkton Park.  The Enquiry Office was expected to move to the offices as of 25 March.


Following concerns raised by members of the Board in relation to future use of the old site for Westmead School, Inspector Staynings confirmed that although he was unaware of how the site would be used in the future the Boards concerns would be noted.


   iii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

An update was circulated at the meeting for the month of February.  The report was noted.


   iv.        NHS Wiltshire

The Board noted the written update as circulated with the agenda.


    v.        Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

No updates were received.


   vi.        Chippenham Vision Board

No updates were received.


 vii.        Chippenham Campus Development Team

The update as circulated with the agenda was noted.


viii.        Youth Advisory Group (YAG)

In noting the presentation made earlier in relation to Drug Awareness, it was noted that a focus group of approximately 15 young people took place on 21 February at the Bridge Centre where a snap shop survey was undertaken.


The results demonstrated the differing views towards drugs with all but two of those taking part confirming that they had been offered drugs.


All those involved in the survey felt drug education in schools should be more proactive with more information on the facts given at an earlier age, i.e. at the end of primary school.


   ix.        Youth Strategy Update

No updates were received.


    x.        Chippenham Partnership of Schools

The update circulated with the agenda pack was noted.


   xi.        Skate Park Task Group

A verbal update was provided by Cllr Peter Hutton who began his update by thanking the Chairman and the Community Area Manager (CAM) for all their hard work.


Since January the Task Group had arranged visits to local Skateparks in Marlborough, Melksham and Corsham.  Three residents from Monkton Park took part in the visits.


The Group had also visited other potential sites which included Charter Road, Lovers Lane, Bristol Road, Long Close and Stanley Park. 


Cllr Hutton informed the Board that the public protection team had advised that a review of the design criteria would not be required, noting that these were considered at the planning application assessment stage. 


Cllr Hutton felt that it was important to remember that the Task Group had been working towards finding a suitable site for over 2 years with updates provided at every meeting of the Board. 


With this in mind Cllr Hutton proposed that a recommendation should be made to the newly formed Area Board post election.  The Board was asked to agree that a report from the Skatepark Task Group be considered at the Area Board meeting on 1 July where the Task Group will recommend that a Planning Application for a Skatepark is submitted.


Once this application was submitted it would be subject to the normal rigour of a planning application and there would be an opportunity for people to comment.


In opening up questions to the floor a request was made that the secondary noise assessment report requested by the Task Group should be made available to the public.  It was confirmed that these details would be made available.


The Board was in support of the proposed recommendation although requested that this be without prejudice to other potential sites.


In putting this to the vote all were in favour of the recommendation made.




That Chippenham Area Board resolve to consider a report from the Skatepark Task Group at the Area Board meeting on 1 July in which the Task Group will recommend a Skatepark Planning Application is submitted.


 xii.        Other Community Groups

The update in relation to Wiltshire Time Credits as circulated with the agenda pack was noted.


Following a reorganisation, the Good Neighbour Coordinator at Community First responsible for covering Chippenham and the surrounding villages was Jenny Plummer.  Further details would be sent to the CAM for circulation via the CAN.

Supporting documents: