Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update

Partner organisations will be given the opportunity to provide an update where appropriate.


Great Western Hospital (GWH)

The Committee noted the report from the Chief Executive of GWH on key issues relating to GWH and community services across Wiltshire. Kevin McNamara updated the committee and stated that the Trust was pleased to confirm that over £1m will be invested in additional nurses this year with recruitment underway in a number of areas following detailed skill reviews.


Mr McNamara confirmed that GWH would develop action plans against all outcomes of CQC inspections, and that the CQC would return in future to evaluate the concerned areas.


The Committee raised some of the issues detailed in the Francis Report that outlines problems with care quality and, in particular, patient respect. Mr McNamara confirmed that the new lead nurse at GWH was committed to the values of respect and compassion.


Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust (RUH)


Francesca Thompson, Chief Operating Officer, RUH to provide an update.


It was confirmed that RUH had entered a 5 year patient safety arrangement with the Strategic Health Authority. RUH had also bid for and been awarded a hosting arrangement that aims to reduce the mortality rate at the Hospital by 15%.


RUH also hosted the Wiltshire Carers event on March 6 2012, which was a success.


RUH had also recently elected its first Council of Governors. This involved 11 public governors and five staff Governors who will represent the views of members and sit on the Council of Governors with five stakeholder Governors. Nearly 3000 people voted with a turnout of around 32%.


RUH also highlighted its current challenges including the extraordinary demand on emergency care that it was receiving, and the plans to discharge patients within the agreed limits.


The Committee discussed emergency data collection, and noted that reports include a breakdown of admissions to emergencies would be useful.



Christine Graves, the new Chairman of Healthwatch, provided an update.


Healthwatch will come into effect from 1 April 2013.  The remit of Healthwatch would be similar to that of WIN, but had some enhancements.


Healthwatch has a duty to engage with the Health Minister, whilst championing health and social care and its delivery. In addition, Healthwatch Wiltshire will make recommendations to Healthwatch England, and advise the Care Quality Commission to carry out special reviews or investigations into areas of concern. Healthwatch will also act as a signposting service, providing advice and direction to the public on matters of healthcare. It was stated that Healthwatch hoped to build on the legacy of information that WIN had built, and was pleased to inherit its active support.


The Chairman welcomed Healthwatch and Christine Graves to the Committee and stated that it was hoped that the relationship would be as successful as it has been with predecessors WIN. Healthwatch would act as a critical friend, providing a check and balance on Healthcare providers across the region.


The Committee queried how information or concerns would feed into Healthwatch. Information would arrive through various channels, including the Committee, from the public and also via user groups and networks.


It was agreed by both the Committee and Healthwatch that information sharing was crucial to building a successful relationship. 




To note the updates provided. 

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