Agenda item

PCC quarterly report

To receive a quarterly report from the Commissioner providing an update on finance and performance.


A verbal update will be provided on the risk register.


When introducing the item the Chairman reminded the panel of its role being not to monitor the work of the force but to monitor the work of the Commissioner in monitoring the force. The Commissioner introduced Nicola Calway from the OPCC who provided the Panel with an explanation of certain data.


The Panel welcomed the depth of data provided and the opportunity to question the PCC on it; however clarification was needed on what should be in the public domain. The suggestion of a quarterly summary report from the OPCC was welcomed, and the Panel agreed that the working group would develop a reporting mechanism in consultation with the OPCC.


Due to the work involved in isolating the OPCC risk register it was not possible to bring it to this meeting. It was agreed that this would be brought to the next Panel meeting in June and targeted around the delivery of the plan.




1.     That the Panel continue to receive the data in its current format on a quarterly basis


2.     That Panel Members consider and raise any issues with the Commissioner at the meeting following receipt of the quarterly data


3.     That, in discussion with the OPCC, the working group develop a summary reporting mechanism to be brought to the next Panel meeting

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