Agenda item

Proposed Closure of A344

To consider a motion to be proposed by Cllr Ian West and seconded by Cllr Graham Wright concerning the proposed closure of the A344 (Report and Briefing Paper attached).


Councillor Dick Tonge – Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport and Phil Tilley – Transport and Development Manager will be in attendance to answer questions.



At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor Ian West asked the question as set out in the agenda papers, regarding the proposed closure of the A344:


If the proposed closure of the A344 goes ahead, what contingencies has Wiltshire Council put in place to safeguard the communities of Bulford, Durrington, Larkhill and Shrewton and the other villages in the Till Valley which will be affected by the extra traffic generated by this closure, especially on Telegraph Hill and Shrewton High Street?


Councillor West commented that the proposed closure would also exacerbate the existing pressure on the A303, particularly at peak times, which in turn would impact on local roads and alternative routes. 


The Chairman then invited comments and questions from the floor, which were raised as follows:


·         Various objections were expressed in relation to the proposed closure of the A344 due to the anticipated impact on local roads.

·         Durrington already suffered from extra traffic as a result of congestion on the A303.  This was causing damage to the surface of the local roads, which needed urgent attention, particularly in view of the anticipated increase in traffic if the A344 was closed.

·         It was suggested that traffic could be directed down the A360 from the junction with the B3086 to alleviate pressure on Shrewton High Street.

·         A resident of Shrewton noted that little progress had been made in addressing speeding on the High Street, despite this having been raised with the Neighbourhood Policing Team.  The resident was encouraged to raise this through the Area Boards’ Issues system, and Inspector Sweett undertook to look into the issue.

·         Concern was raised that the closure of the A344 would see the removal of a 5000 year old Right of Way.

·         Concern was also raised that safety on the A303 could be affected, as drivers often stopped on the A344 to view/photograph Stonehenge.  Doing this on the A303 would be extremely dangerous.

·         It was noted that the A303 was not within the remit of Wiltshire Council Highways, and that the lobbying of the government should continue to find a long-term solution for this route.

·         Councillor Graham Wright commented that weight restrictions on Telegraph Hill would prevent heavy traffic from using this as a detour.


Phil Tilley, Transport and Development Manager for Wiltshire Council, responded to the points raised.  He commented that congestion on the A303 was the overriding issue and that traffic avoiding the A303 would have an environmental impact on the local roads.  A long term solution to the A303 would alleviate much of the pressure.  Referring to the briefing note set out in the agenda, he commented that the analysis showed a nil effect on Telegraph Hill, and that the impact on other roads/junctions would be mitigated by the proposed improvements (to the Longbarrow roundabout, the Countess Junction, and Airmans Corner).  The impact of the closure in terms of accidents and traffic volume would continue to be monitored, and mitigating measures such as weight restrictions could be considered if necessary.


It was noted that there would be further opportunities for public and Parish Council input into the process, as part of the public enquiry on the Traffic Regulation Order to stop up the A344, and the separate Section 247 order to stop up byway 12.


Following discussion, Councillor West moved the following motion, which was seconded by Councillor Wright and agreed by the Area Board:



1.    The Amesbury Area Board will submit the concerns as summarised above regarding the proposed closure of the A344, as part of the public enquiry process.

2.    Officers are requested to produce a report to the next appropriate meeting of the Amesbury Area Board following the outcome of the public enquiries to explain what contingency plans will be put in place to safeguard the communities of Bulford, Durrington, Larkhill, Shrewton and the other villages if and when the A344 closure goes ahead, specifically Telegraph Hill in Bulford, Larkhill Road and The Packway in Durrington, and the High Street in Shrewton.


Supporting documents: