Agenda item

W/12/02344/FUL: Land Rear of 4 Sandridge Road, Melksham


Public Participation

Mr Anthony Brinkworth spoke in objection to the application.

Mrs Vera Parker spoke in objection to the application.


Prior to the introduction of the report, several members of the Committee requested advice on whether being Board Directors on Selwood Housing Association constituted a disclosable pecuniary interest and whether they should therefore not involve themselves in the debate or vote on the item as a result of Selwood involvement. The Legal Officer stated the connection probably did not constitute a disclosable pecuniary interest, but that councillors with an interest should consider not involving themselves in the debate if they determined that the public, in viewing that connection, might reasonably perceive the presence of bias in their decision as a result.


The Area Development Manager then introduced the report, which recommended approval. Key issues were stated to include the principle and character of the development, impact on neighbour amenity, and highways issues.


The Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. In response to queries, it was stated that the Council could not impose a condition requiring additional parking to be provided on land not within the application site, although informatives suggesting specific details would be appropriate was within the authority of the Committee.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee, as detailed above.


The Local Member, Councillor Stephen Petty, then spoke in opposition to the application.


A debate followed, where the loss of public amenity was raised, along with the level of housing density in the area should the application be approved and whether it would constitute overdevelopment. Details of the access arrangements were also sought, in addition to a suggestion that in the event of an approval, that the case officer write to Selwood Housing to communicate the concerns of the Committee regarding the provision of replacement parking.


At the conclusion of debate, it was,




1)            To request that a letter be sent by the Case Officer to Selwood Housing to request Selwood Housing investigate the possibility of providing replacement parking on the adjacent land under their control;


2)            That planning permission be GRANTED for the following reason:


The proposed development conforms to the Development Plan and there are no objections to it on planning grounds.  In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Wiltshire Council has worked proactively to secure this development which shall make a modest windfall residential contribution towards meeting a growing and diverse housing need within the Town and wider Wiltshire.  In reaching its decision to grant permission, the Council took into account the relevant impacts upon neighbours, highway safety and other material considerations.



Subject to the following condition(s):


1        The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


          REASON:  To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2        No development shall commence on site until details and samples of the materials to be used for the external walls and roofs have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


          REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the area.


          West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004 - POLICY: C31a.


3        No development shall commence on site until details of the proposed ground floor slab levels have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved levels details.


          REASON: In the interests of visual amenity.


          POLICY: West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004 - Policies C31a and C38



4        No development shall commence until a plan indicating the on-site provision of 2 car parking spaces and a turning area has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The parking and turning space shall be provided before the dwelling is first occupied and shall thereafter be retained and remain available for such uses for the lifetime of the development.


          REASON: To ensure that adequate provision is made for parking within the site in the interests of highway safety.


          POLICY: West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004 - POLICY: T10 and in accordance with Wiltshire Council's Car Parking Strategy.


5        The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the access to the site formed off Hampshire Place has been consolidated and surfaced (not loose stone or gravel). The access shall be maintained as such thereafter.


          REASON: In the interests of highway safety and to prevent the displacement of loose material along Hampshire Place.


6        No development shall commence on site until a scheme for the discharge of surface water from the site (including surface water from the access/driveway), incorporating sustainable drainage details, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local Planning Authority. The development shall not be occupied until surface water drainage has been constructed in accordance with the approved scheme.


          REASON: To ensure that the development can be adequately drained and to prevent surface water spillage onto the adjacent land and road.


7        Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No.2) (England) Order 2008 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting or amending that Order with or without modification), no windows, doors or other form of openings other than those shown on the approved plans, shall be inserted in the western gable of the development hereby permitted.


          REASON:  In the interests of residential amenity and privacy.


          POLICY: West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004 - POLICY: C38


8        Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No.2) (England) Order 2008 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting or amending those Orders with or without modification), no development within Part 1, Classes A-E and G shall take place on the dwellinghouse hereby permitted or within its curtilage (other than the erection of a shed with a size of 10 cubic metres or smaller).


          REASON:  In the interests of the amenity of the area and to enable the Local Planning Authority to consider individually whether planning permission should be granted for additions, extensions or enlargements.


          POLICY: West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004 - POLICY: C31a  and C38


9        No development shall commence on site until details of the height, design, external appearance and decorative finish of the means of enclosing the new property boundary have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the development being brought into use. 


          REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the area.


          POLICY: West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004 - POLICY: C31a and C32


10      The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans:


          LOCATION PLAN - received on 18.02.2013

          BLOCK PLAN – received on 18.02.2013

          SITE PLAN – received on 18.02.2013

          ELEVATION AND FLOOR PLAN - Drawing No. 2 of 2 received on 21.12.2012


          REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans that have been judged to be acceptable by the local planning authority.




1        The applicant should contact Wessex Water's Developer Service to agree points of connection to the public water and sewer networks.  Wessex Water's new connections team can be contacted on the following telephone numbers: 01225 526222 for water supply and 01225 526333 for waste water disposal.


2        In view of the site’s potential reptile and amphibian habitat, care should be taken when clearing the ground prior to development commencing, and if evidence of specially protected species is found, work should stop immediately and contact should be made with the Council’s Ecology team led by Jon Taylor on 01225 718 276 or Natural England.


          Grass snakes, smooth newts and various other species of reptile and amphibian are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. Great Crested Newts and their habitat (aquatic and terrestrial areas) are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and are also deemed European Protected Species. If evidence of great crested newts is found during works, work should stop immediately and Natural England must be contacted on 0300 060 2065 for advice on the best way to proceed. Where they are present a license might be necessary to carry out the works.


          It should be ensured that work (including site clearance work) does not disturb nesting birds. Birds can nest in many places including buildings, hedgerows, trees, and open grassland. Nesting birds are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act. The main nesting season lasts approximately from March to September, so any work to the site should take place outside these dates if at all possible.


3        The applicant should note that under the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, it is an offence to disturb nesting birds or roosting bats.  You should note that the work hereby granted consent does not override the statutory protection afforded to these species and you are advised to seek expert advice if you suspect that the demolition would disturb any protected species. For further advice, please contact Wiltshire Council's Ecology team on 01225 713303 or via email


Councillor Ernie Clark requested that his abstention from the debate and vote be recorded.

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