Agenda item

Your Local Issues

Councillors/working groups will provide an update on community issues and progress on area board working groups. This will include:


a.     Skate board park working group

b.     Highways working group (CATG) – to include a recommendation regarding C and unclassified route speed limit review (attached)

c.     Calne campus working group

d.     Sandpit Road (Section 106) working group – to include recommendations for a safer route scheme at Abberd Way and the creation of a dual use footpath at A3102 Greenacres Way (attached).

e.     Air quality working group.


Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups. The Chairman explained that where changes had been made, the update would be provided by the councillor previously appointed to the working group, as they would be more familiar with the work of the group than the newly appointed member. 


a.     Councillor Marshall was joined by one of the young people from the Calne Bowl Project group who explained that including the grant from Calne Area Board, the skate board park working group had now raised all of their funding including more than £10,000 raised by the young people themselves. He expressed the view that this was a considerable achievement by those concerned. The group were now inviting expressions of interest for contractors to build the skate park. Concern was expressed by local residents regarding anti-social behaviour. The meeting was assured this was an issue caused only by a few individuals. There was a strong group of young people who were doing an excellent job of fundraising, improving the reputation of young skateboarders in the town and keeping the project moving forward. They were also working to promote skateboarding/bmxing/scooting as an alternative sport, rather than it being perceived as an anti social behaviour, and to attract younger children into the sport. Various options to improve the situation were discussed at the meeting, including closer scrutiny, CCTV, increased community involvement, policing options and engineering. A meeting was organised with Wiltshire Police who were aware of local concerns.    



The deadline for spend and feedback for the Community Area Grant awarded on 14 February 2012 should be extended for a further six months.



Some delays had resulted from creating a new approach to the tender process, in order to involve young people, the project had not yet spent the grant received from the Calne Area Board. Councillor Marshall asked the area board to consider extending the deadline for spend and feedback for a further six months.  


b.     The written update from the highways working group (CATG) was noted. Councillor Crisp explained the highways working group had now been established for four years to complete highways work and she was very proud of the group’s achievements. The Goatacre refuge had been successfully completed. All parishes were invited to submit their priorities to the group. An issue was raised regarding Community Speed Watch and administration and training. Wiltshire Police were aware of the county-wide issue and were pushing hard to address the situation with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. A near accident on Curzon Street was raised by Councillor Trotman. This was a concern known to the highways working group and in the throes of the legal process. The routes identified in the C and unclassified road review last year were yet to be completed, in part due to the new contract. However the group had still assessed priorities for the forthcoming year for the C class and unclassified road speed limit review on the basis of collision rates, and Councillor Crisp asked for the area board to approve the roads selected.   



The C50 (from A4 east of Quemerford through Blackland to the A361 Devizes to Beckhampton Road) and C112 from A4 at Pewsham, Stanley Lane through Bremhill to Turf House Lane) would be selected as priorities for inclusion in the C class and unclassified road speed limit review.



The C247 (from A4 at Quemerford through Heddington to Heddington Wick) was selected as first reserve priority.


c.     Councillor Hill provided a verbal update about the Calne campus working group. The group were bringing about exciting changes for the town in the form of a first-class three site campus. Planning applications should be submitted in the next three months. The new Chairman of the group would be Councillor Crisp.   


d.     The written update from the Sandpit Road (Section 106) working group was noted. Councillor Trotman raised having a safer route scheme at Abberd Way. This was followed by a short discussion which covered the consultation conducted on the proposal and who had been notified, the issue of resident’s car parking and the accident record of the route. Councillor Trotman then raised the creation of a dual use footpath at A3102 Greenacres Way. 



In light of issues raised at the meeting, Calne Area Board would defer making a decision on a proposed traffic calming scheme at the junction of Abberd Way and Penhill Road, for a maximum period of three months, to enable a meeting to take place between GreenSquare, local residents, Wiltshire Council officers and Councillor Trotman.    



Calne Area Board would certify the conversion of a footway along A3102 Greenacres Way and Oxford Road, Calne, to a shared-use path for pedestrians and cyclists 


e.     Councillor Hill reported an Air Quality Management Area had been recently established in Calne. Wiltshire Council were now required to produce a strategy and plan. This would be circulated via the area board when it was made available. The new Chairman of the group would be Councillor Ansell.          

Supporting documents: