Agenda item

Salisbury Bus Station Update

To provide an update on the proposed closure of the Salisbury Bus Station.


Officer: Parvis Khansari, Service Director for Strategic Service’s


The Board received an update on the proposed closure of the Salisbury Bus Station from the Service Director for Strategic Service’s; Parvis Khansari.


Wilts & Dorset Bus Company informed Wiltshire Council (WC) several months ago of their intention to close  Salisbury Bus Station. The Council started to look at options to introduce bus stops, in order to support existing timetables and services.


The work involves looking at possible sites for additional bus stops and bus layover locations around the city. There are currently locations under consideration for new bus stops in Milford Street, Castle Street and Endless Street.


There are also some bus layover locations being considered at Chipper Lane, Brown Street and possibly in Rollstone Street. All the locations will be designed to ensure safety of passengers and other road users.


All businesses and residents directly affected by the final proposals will be consulted, most probably in September 2013.


Comments and Questions were then taken, these included:


·         The residents of Chipper Lane would not welcome buses parked up there.


·         One regular user of the bus station noted that it was also regularly used by many children on their way to and from school. He felt that the children should have a safe place to wait.


·         Would the consultation include people who come in to Salisbury on one bus but then catch another to get to their destination? Answer:  No, but the new arrangement will consider how changeovers would be achieved in the centre.


·         Is WC obliged to pay for the bus stops? Answer: WC is funded for and aims to encourage people to use the public transport or walk instead of using the car.


·         A Better Bus Area grant was awarded last year, would this money be used as intended to improve the interchange experience? Answer: Parvis was unsure whether the funding was specifically for that. He agreed to find out and feedback to the CAM. The BBA grant is tied to specific projects that were put forward in the bid for funding. However, two of these relate to improving city centre waiting facilities (including the bus station) and the funding attached to these (£52,500 in total) could be used to help fund the necessary improvements to city centre stops, providing it is spent by 31 March 2014.


·         Could WC take on the service and make a profit? Answer: Legally Councils are not permitted to run commercial bus services.


·         It seems wrong that Wilts & Dorset are able to take the profit from the site but are not expected to pay for the new infrastructure.


·         If Salisbury is to lose the Coach Park soon, then there could be even more problems ahead. Answer: WC is aware of possible changes to the Coach Park and will act on that in due course.


·         There were plans for new Sixth Form provision in Salisbury by 2014, this may alleviate some of the problems surrounding the numbers of young people using transport to access education out of the county.


The Chairman thanked Parvis for providing the update.