Agenda item

Your Local Issues

To consider the updates provided on community issues, together with progress on area board working groups and any recommendations within.  This will include:


a.    Skate board park working group (Councillor Marshall)

b.    Highways working group (CATG) (Councillor Hill)

The CATG has not met since the last Area Board meeting, however 3 options for a scheme at Stockley Bus stop have recently been received. In order to progress this priority, previously agreed by the Calne Area Board, Councillor Hill will ask the Area Board to consider the officers recommendation to:

·        Adopt option 2 – to provide a hard standing, bench and shelter at a cost of £5,500, conditional upon the Parish Council undertaking future responsibility and maintenance.

·        If the Parish Council is unable to enter into such an undertaking, to adopt option 3 – to provide a hard standing and bench at a cost of £2,300.

c.    Calne campus working group (Councillor Crisp)

d.    Sandpit Road (Section106) working group (Councillor Trotman)

e.    Air quality working group (Councillor Ansell)


Councillors provided updates as follows:


A) Skateboard park working group (Councillor Howard Marshall) – Since the last update a contractor has been appointed and work as expected to start in the New Year. Issues had been raised by residents and as a consequence CCTV cameras requested. A planning application had been submitted and a decision is expected shortly.


B) Highways working group (CATG) ( Councillor Hill) – The group were asked to undertake some work in relation to the Transport Strategy. Calne Community Area Partnership (CCAP) would be holding a meeting in the New Year where a group would undertake further work behalf of the Board.

            Attention was drawn to the proposed options for a scheme at Stockley Road, as highlighted on the agenda. Following discussion it was agreed to provide a hardstanding and bench which would be made of resilient and low maintenance material at a cost of £2,300.



To provide a hardstanding and bench at Stockley Road at a cost of £2,300.


C) Calne campus working group (presented on behalf of Councillor Christine Crisp) – A copy of the update provided by Councillor Crisp was circulated at the meeting, this included:-


Beversbrook – Wiltshire Council was drafting the Heads of Terms which would be presented to the Town Council shortly. Once agreed a planning application would be submitted. There were three elements to the Beversbrook scheme:

·         Delivery of an All Weather Pitch (Wiltshire Council)

·         Pedestrian crossing at site entrance (Wiltshire Council)

·         Extension to pavilion and enhancements to cafe (Calne Town Council)

Leisure Centre – Designs were being finalised. A progress update on the development timeline would be brought to the next Area Board.


Town Centre Site – The Working Group has been engaging with the Town Council’s consultant on the masterplan exercise, and asked Wiltshire Council to carry out a desktop appraisal on the potential options that would like to the masterplanning work. The Working Group was clear that provision of a library was a key part of the Clane central site but it was also necessary to accommodate flexible and multi-purpose space, a shared reception area, clinical room (for low level community health care), hot desk space for council and partner staff and community ICT. Further updates would be provided when the masterplan work was complete.


D) Sandpit Road (Section 106) Working Group (Councillor Tony Trotman) – The report was noted. This included that the work identified at Woodhill Rise/Oxford Road required investigation concerning vehicular access. Orders relating to the agreed scheme at Abberd Way were to be advertised at the beginning of December with work expected to begin before the end of this financial year. The group would next meet in January 2014.


E) Air quality group (Councillor Ansell) – Cllr Ansell gave an update on air quality which included that levels within Calne exceed the required pollution limits. A machine for measuring particulates was now available for the Calne area, noting that a previous lorry watch showed that HGVs were running through Calne at approximately one per minute. A potential comparison was suggested between two streets in Calne to see if any more evidence could be provided to show the effect of pollution.

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