Agenda item

Developing the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme

Members will recall that a series of meetings involving the chairs and vice-chairs of select committees with relevant Cabinet members, portfolio-holders and service directors were held recently to discuss service priorities and overview and scrutiny engagement. The outcome of these meetings was intended to recommended topics for overview and scrutiny’s work programme. 

A report by the Scrutiny Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, is circulated.



Consideration was given to a report by the Scrutiny Manager, prepared in consultation with the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman which set out the outcome of initial discussions between select committee chairmen and vice-chairmen with the relevant Executive members and directors. 


It was pointed out that the potential priorities and topics highlighted would need to be viewed in the context of the Business Plan as agreed by Council on 3 September 2013, legacy items recommended by the previous Committee and endorsed by this Committee on 23 May 2013 and also the current Cabinet forward work plan.


The Chairman explained that he and the Vice-Chairman wished to meet the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the select committees to discuss priorities, approaches, options, capacity & resources etc. with a view to reporting back to the Management Committee at its next meeting on 5 November 2013 with an initial draft single work programme.  Emphasis would be given to making strong links to the Business Plan and identifying topics where real value could be added through the overview & scrutiny process.  The Chairman went on to stress the importance of allowing space for the addition of committee/individual member requests as new issues arose and priorities might change.


The Chairman also confirmed that he would be pleased for the Management Committee to consider any priority recommendations from select committee chairmen that could not wait for the timetable and gave as examples advance proposals for task groups on financial planning (which was the subject of an item to be discussed later in the meeting) and also a review of area boards.


Cllr Jonathon Seed, the Cabinet Member responsible for area boards, explained that area boards had been evolving since their inception in 2009 and he considered that the time had come for a scrutiny exercise to be carried out, which would include seeking the views of partners and stakeholders.    He stressed that area boards were working well but they could benefit from a fresh look at their working for the future.  It was noted that terms of reference and topics to be covered had been drawn up in consultation with the Cabinet Member and were as follows:-


·                The current role and remit of the Area Boards

·                Area Board budgets and grants

·                Local service devolution and management

·                JSA and community planning/community priorities.

·                Contract and commissioning decisions affecting the community area.

·                The consultative role of the Boards in local development

·                The role of the Area Boards in future campus governance.

·                Community area partnership arrangements.  

·                Area Board meeting management.

·                Area Board support, promotion and publicity.

·                Area Board staffing and management

·                Future service delivery through Area Boards


During discussion the following topics were considered for scrutiny:-


(i)      The desirability of establishing a rapid scrutiny exercise on the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).  It was noted that, although the LEP was not a political body, a lot of public money had been ploughed into it.  Arrangements should be considered for a joint scrutiny of LEP with Swindon Borough Council.


(ii)     The Chairman & Vice-Chairman of the Health Select Committee referred to the considerable number of health issues worthy of scrutiny and considered that despite there being a number of historic issues that could be scrutinised and which needed to be categorised by the Select Committee, priority should be given to refocusing on strategic issues, such as Clinical Commissioning Groups and the Health & Wellbeing Board.


(iii)    Reference was made to the need to scrutinise the 20mph Speed Limit Policy prior to the Cabinet Member approving it under delegated authority.  It was noted that the Cabinet Member would be pleased for the Policy to be scrutinised once it was available probably in mid to late November 2013. 


(iv)    It was noted that a report on Housing Allocation Policy would be prepared for consideration by this Committee at its next meeting on 5 November 2013 prior to its determination by Cabinet on 21 November. It was suggested that, if feasible, a rapid scrutiny exercise be set up to examine the draft Policy in advance of the meeting on 5 November and that all members of the Management Committee be invited to take part. 




(1)       To note the positive outcome of the meetings held between the chairs and vice-chairs of each O&S committee with the relevant Executive members and directors.


(2)       To endorse further such meetings being held as appropriate.


(3)       To agree that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Management Committee meets with the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the individual select committees to discuss priorities, approaches, options, capacity and resources with a view to reporting back to the O&S Management Committee on 5 November 2013 with an initial draft single overview and scrutiny work programme.


(4)       To note that the establishment of a task group on the Council’s financial planning and budget setting arrangements is the subject of a separate paper for consideration at this meeting.


(5)       To establish a task group to review area board arrangements with the terms of reference of topics to be covered as set out above. 


(6)       To note that a report on Housing Allocation Policy would be considered at the next meeting of this Committee on 5 November 2013 and that if possible a rapid scrutiny exercise be set up to examine the draft Policy in advance and that all members of the Management Committee be invited to take part. 




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