Agenda item

E/2012/1566/FUL - Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 1PA


Public Participation

Mr John Ivory Spoke in objection to the application.

Mr Philip Wood spoke in objection to the application.

Ms Jayne Norris spoke in support of the application.

Ms Sarah Kendall spoke in support of the application.

Mr Julian Beckett spoke in support of the application.


The Senior Planning Officer outlined the report which recommended planning permission to be approved for the application. The Senior Planning officer outlined a number of late items received including a copy of the lighting plan and requirements and five letters of support for the application from sports clubs user groups.


The Senior Planning Officer outlined key areas for consideration including PD1 of the Kennet local plan, NR6 and NR7 which are designed to safeguard rural and countryside amenity. The Senior Planning Officer also suggested changing recommended condition 5 of the application, stating that goalmouth practice should be restricting hockey activity only.


Committee members were then given the opportunity to ask technical questions of the application.


Cllr Bryant clarified that the existing floodlighting on one of the two pitches had no restrictions and this was confirmed by the Senior Planning Officer.


Members of the public were then given an opportunity to address the committee.


Following submissions, the application was opened for debate and a discussion was held on the impact of noise levels in relation to hockey activity.


Cllr Stewart Dobson stated that the facilities were important not just to Marlborough residents and questioned the need to restrict floodlighting any more tightly than that recommended in the proposed planning conditions.


Cllr Nick Fogg stated that he was in support of the application but suggested that using floodlighting until 22:00 as suggested in the recommended conditions would impact negatively on local residents amenity and it was proposed that the lighting be restricted to 20:00. Following discussion this was amended until 21:00.


At the end of the discussion it was;




To GRANT planning permission for the application subject to the following conditions:


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


REASON:  To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.



2.         The floodlights for the Milford (eastern) Pitch hereby approved shall not be illuminated outside the hours of 08:00 and 21:00 from Mondays to Sundays inclusive.


REASON:  To minimise the impact of the floodlights upon the amenities of the area.



3.         Following installation of the floodlights hereby approved to the Milford (eastern) Pitch, this pitch shall not be used for the playing of hockey matches or hockey training outside the hours of 08:00 and 20:00 from Mondays to Sundays inclusive.


REASON: The playing of hockey outside of these hours would be likely to give rise to concerns over residential amenity



4.         Prior to the first use of the floodlights hereby approved to the Milford (eastern) Pitch, goal backboards at the eastern end of the pitch and the base of the pitch fence along the boundary closest to the dwellings and either side of the goal up to the height of where balls rise, shall be lined with resilient rubberised material in accordance with details which have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These linings shall thereafter be permanently maintained in accordance with the approved details.


REASON: To absorb sound energy to help reduce peak noise levels in the interests of preserving the amenities of neighbouring residents.



5.         Following installation of the floodlights to the Milford (eastern) Pitch, no  goal mouth practice sessions shall take place within the eastern half of the pitch when the pitch is illuminated.


REASON: To minimise the impact upon neighbour amenity of additional usage facilitated by the approved floodlighting.



6.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out and maintained in accordance with the following approved plans: Site Location Plan, Christy Lighting Ltd Pages 1 and 2 showing horizontal and vertical illuminance levels respectively, 05a-a12-0112594 and photographs confirming appearance and angle of lights, Lux Standards sheets x 4 and lighting specification report provided by Vector Design all received on the 27th December 2012.


REASON:  For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.




NB: Cllr Stewart Dobson requested that his vote against the application be publicly recorded.

Supporting documents: