Agenda item

E/2013/0238/FUL - Land adjacent Chute Forest Cottage, Chute Cadley, Andover, SP11 9EB


Public Participation

Mr John Holroyd spoke in objection to the application.

Mr Jim Haines spoke in objection to the application.

Ms Lisa Jackson spoke in objection to the application.


Mr Eric Potter spoke in support of the application.


Mr David Close spoke on behalf of Chute Forest Parish Council.


The Area Development Manager outlined the report which recommended planning permission be approved for the application. The key considerations for the committee were also outlined. These being: HC24, NR6 and NR7 of the Kennet Local Plan. The key considerations were summarised as being the preservation of the character and appearance of the conservation area; , the impact on setting of nearby listed buildings  and highways access to the site.


Committee members were then given the opportunity to ask technical questions of the application.

Cllr Stewart Dobson questioned if a building had been on the land previously. It was clarified that a modest building appeared on a map in the 19th Century, but was no longer visible on the site and was not a relevant planning consideration..


Members of the public were then given the opportunity to address the committee.


As the local member Cllr Charles Howard then spoke and summarised the objections made against the application including the impact on the conservation area, the cramped appearance of the planned development, and contradiction to the village conservation statement.


Following public submissions the application was opened for debate


The Area Development Manager first clarified the relevant planning considerations for the committee following submissions from the public.


Cllr Liz Bryant sought clarification on the site and its relation to the Kennet Local Plan. The Area Development Manager clarified that HC24 of the Kennet Local Plan allowed for suitable infill developments.


A debate was held on the application’s suitability as an infill development and the impact on the surrounding conservation area.


It was proposed to approve the development subject to the conditions outlined in the officer report, but this was defeated.


A motion was raised to refuse the application as it was contrary to PD1 and, HC24 of the Kennet Local Plan and contrary to Para 56 and 132 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


The motion was opened to debate.


Cllr Mark Connolly stated that the application was suitable for development under HC24 and opposed the refusal of planning permission.

Cllr Liz Bryant and Cllr Paul Oatway both expressed concerns against the proposed application.


Following debate it was;




To REFUSE planning permission for the application for the following reasons:


1             The proposed development would harm the character and appearance of the Lower Chute and Chute Cadley Conservation Area by virtue of the loss of an important sylvan character identified in the Conservation Area Statement and would create a cramped appearance in the conservation area. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies PD1 and HC24 of the Kennet Local Plan 2011.


2             The proposed development would fill a natural green gap that creates the loose knit and sporadic built nature of this part of the village which is characterised by dwellings set within spacious plots as identified in the Chute Village Design Statement. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies PD1 and HC24 of the Kennet Local Plan 2011 and paragraphs 56 and 132 of the NPPF. 



3             The proposed development cannot achieve a safe and satisfactory highway access and cannot achieve the necessary visibility splays that would accommodate the stopping distances required to ensure safe egress from the access point and is therefore contrary to policies PD1 and HC24 of the Kennet Local Plan 2011.

Supporting documents: