Agenda item

Neighbourhood Plans

Cllr Simon Killane will be in attendance to speak on Malmesbury community area’s experiences in relation to their Neighbourhood Plan. 


Parish Councils within the Devizes community area will also share their experiences of their own Neighbour Plans which will include Devizes/ Roundway/Bishops Cannings.


Questions and discussion will follow.


Cllr Simon Killane was in attendance to provide information on the Malmesbury community area’s experiences in relation to their Neighbourhood Plan.


In making his presentation the following information was provided:


·         The land around Malmesbury Town was valued at approximately £10m.  Development in general was predominantly driven by money and this was a key element to be taken into consideration.  This was often in contrast to the wants of a community.


·         Malmesbury Area Board was a government initiative front-runner of the neighbourhood plans.


·         The Board established a steering group with set terms of reference and a good range of members.  The group was not a decision making body but had been established to fact find and make proposals for the Board’s consideration.


·         The group in conducting its work understood that development would always take place and that there were certainties as outlined within the council’s Core Strategy.  The group therefore understood and accepted that it would be required to work within a set descriptive at a local level.


·         The group had established a website and several task groups to focus their attention on specific areas such as infrastructure, education, business (including employment needs), extra care and housing.


·         Research undertaken had revealed:


o   2.7% unemployment in town (which was one of the lowest in the country).

o   A great need for affordable housing (including meeting the needs of both older people and young families).

o   Preferred sites had already been identified by the previous District Council.  These were more likely to get development approval as a result.


·         A map was shown highlighting the sites identified and graded in terms of preference following a set scoring system.


·         Wiltshire Council Spatial Planning and Planning Aid were regularly consulted at each stage of developing the Plan to ensure it was proceeding well.


·         In understanding that the Group had no or little planning expertise workshops had been established to help design the best lay out for the town. 


·         Guidance from the Princes Trust was used to help shape the neighbourhood plan.  The Group also undertook a tour of the area to ensure an understanding all were aware of the areas being discussed.


·         Neighbouring areas outside of Wiltshire were also considered (such as Tetbury and Gloucester) as it was recognised that services from these areas could have a bearing on what might be required.


·         A draft Neighbourhood Plan and design guide had now been created, which included developments on both sides of the Town.


·         Some developers had been pushing to overturn the plan with Government granting approval for a development to be built on the outskirt of the town.  On 7 October, following judicial review, this approval was withdrawn and the team now awaited further details.


Rick Rowland, Vice Chairman of Roundway Parish Council and a member of the Devizes Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was also in attendance to help answer any questions arising from the floor.


Information arising included:


·         That the cost of producing a Neighbourhood plan was estimated to be in the region of £30k-£50k, taking into consideration all the support needed including expertise.  Malmesbury Steering Group had undertaken much of the work themselves which had proven difficult without the relevant expertise.


·         For those wishing to establish their own Neighbourhood Plan it was suggested that a 12 months period be allowed for to complete the Plan.


·         Malmesbury had approximately 20 members on the Steering Group.  However, this number could be reduced as long as the right people were involved.


·         Devizes Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had raised concerns with the local MP regarding premature developments that may not align with local wishes.  As a result a meeting with the Housing Minister had been arranged in January where guidance was provided on the best way to proceed.


·         After consultation with neighbouring parishes it was agreed that the Plan would cover the areas of Bishops Cannings, Roundway and Devizes.  The consultation on the Plan was due to finish shortly when it was hoped the final areas to be included would be confirmed.


·         The SHLAA (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) document had been used to help identify suitable sites.  Consultation events had then determined the type of preferred sites.


Thanks were given to both Cllr Killane and Rick Rowland for their time in giving the presentation.