Agenda item

N/13/01610/WCM - Sands Farm Quarry, Sand Pit Road, Calne, SN11 8TJ

A report by the case officer is attached.


Public Participation

Mrs Julie Musk spoke in objection to the application.

Mr Richard Mason spoke in objection to the application.

A statement was read on behalf of Mrs Sarah Perkins, in objection to the application.

Mrs Joanne Baker, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and recommended that the application be delegated to the Service Director (Development Services) to approve planning permission subject to the completion of a S.106 legal agreement as detailed in the agenda papers.


Details were provided on the history of the site from construction of the concrete plant and service road from the site to Oxford Road, Sandpit Road, in 1989 and clarified that the application was to vary Condition Nine of that permission in order to extend the potential working life of the site from 2014 to 2022. It was confirmed that the concrete plant had ceased operation in 2009, but that permission granted in 2010 allows sand from the adjacent quarry to be brought to the site for processing until late 2022, and the plant could be made operational at any time under current permission until 2014.


It was noted that no changes were proposed to the facility itself, and that therefore the key issues included the principle of the extension of permission, the sustainability of the proposal and its economic impact, noise and air quality issues and the impact of traffic. Officers were satisfied on the economic benefits and sustainability of the application, and stated that Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) traffic would be less than when the plant had been at full operation, and that the housing estates built in the area since the closure, contained mitigating measures for noise. It was also stated that the current permission contained conditions to control noise and dust, and that it was assessed that there would be an increase of traffic on Oxford Road at peak times of only 1%.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officers. Further details on the planning history of the site and local area were sought, and it was confirmed further housing developments approximately 1km from the site had received planning permission or had submitted applications. In response to queries it was stated there had been no formal complaints resulting from issues of dust when the plant had been in operation, and that vehicles transporting materials to the site would be sheeted to prevent spillage.


The hours of operation at the site were questioned and, following legal advice, it was confirmed that additional new conditions relating to matters such as hours of operations could not be imposed as part of the consideration of this application. This was because the application was simply to vary a single condition that had been imposed to ensure the building did not remain in operation beyond the permitted use of the quarry, and any changes must therefore relate to that condition. It was noted that the plant had previously been in operation 24 hours a day, but that the housing estate off of Sandpit Road had not been built at that time.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee, as detailed above.


The Local Member, Councillor Tony Trotman, then spoke in objection to the application.


A debate followed, where the change in circumstances from the presence of new housing developments in the area was raised, and whether the impact from the concrete plant should it reopen on those developments, positive and negative, would justify a variation to the planning permission permitting the extension of its operating life. It was noted that all three local parish councils had objected to the application.


The Committee debated the issue of air quality and noise quality for the area should traffic and operations increase, and whether sufficient information had been provided on the level of impact and necessary measures that would be taken to address them, and if the current permission was suitable for that purpose. The economic benefits from increased jobs and activity should there be increased operations was assessed, along with a discussion on the impact on the road network, where it was noted that Sandpit Road had been built for the express purpose of serving the concrete plant site, and that HGVs would continue to use the roads even if the application were refused due to the sand extraction at the site.


At the conclusion of debate, it was,




To DEFER the application pending the completion of additional noise and air emissions assessments.


Supporting documents: