Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements


The chairman informed those present of the following:


(a)               Review of Local Transport Plan Car Parking Strategy


The Council’s current car parking strategy dates back to 2000 and now needed to be reviewed to reflect the move to Wiltshire Council and to ensure that parking charges and standards were broadly consistent across the whole county.


The consultation was open from 12 July to 3 September 2010.  The Council would feed back to area boards in the autumn and the Cabinet would consider the results in December.  Any changes would then be effective from April 2011.


(b)               Community Payback – Call for Grot Spots


Wiltshire Probation Services were launching a new scheme, “Community Payback Involving Local Communities”.


Area Boards were asked to identify “grot spots” in areas which need clearing or community facilities which need work.  These can be referred to the community area manager or by using the issue tracking system found at


(c)               Consultation on Initial Site Options for the Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations


A consultation on potential sites for sand and gravel extraction commenced on 5 August 2010.  The consultation would run for a period of eight weeks.


The potential site relevant to this area is in the Corsham Without and Box Hill division. 


(d)               Leisure Review


The leisure review was originally scheduled to come to this meeting.  However, it would now be considered at the next meeting in October to enable the cabinet member to attend to present the item and to answer questions.  This still falls within the consultation period for the leisure review.


There would be a roadshow on Monday 11 October in the Somerfield/Co-op car park where staff would be available from 10am to 2pm to answer questions.


Some concerns were raised by a member of the public regarding any proposals to close the Springfield Leisure Centre in Corsham.  The following views were expressed:


·        There had been major investment in the last three years to bring the centre to an excellent standard.

·        The swimming pool was the main gala centre for the area.

·        The pool was preferred by the majority of serious swimmers.

·        50% of pool users come from Chippenham because it was the preferred centre for serious training.

·        Any proposal for closure should be reconsidered.


(e)               Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation


The consultation on possible new gypsy and traveller sites following on from the work carried out in April and June had now been put on hold. 


The issues consultation used figures proposed in the draft South West Regional Spatial Strategy as the basis of future need for gypsy and traveller sites.  The Regional Spatial Strategy has now been revoked and it falls to local authorities to determine the right level of site provision.


Officers were currently assessing existing information about the level of need for new gypsy and traveller sites in Wiltshire to make sure the development plan document progresses with the correct local targets for new site provision.  This has affected the overall timetable for the preparation of the gypsy and traveller site allocations document.


The area board would be informed once a revised project timetable on the provision of new sites for the travelling community is available.


(f)                 Almshouses Planning Application


Wiltshire Council’s Northern Area Planning Committee had refused the planning application relating to the Corsham almshouses at its last meeting.  The decision of the trustees was now awaited.

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